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"Mommy, look," Christian jumped up and down excitedly while snow fell for the first time this winter. We decided to install a glass wall in Christians room because he loved the outdoors. Trees, the sky, birds, anything to do with nature, he's taken a particular interest too.

It's unbelievable watching him grow into a little person who actually has thoughts and feelings. We've just exchanged his small bed for a "big boy bed" he calls it. He also has grown to look so much like Gabriel besides his curly brown locks, you wouldn't be able to tell he was mine.

The country has changed too. In the past five years the castes have been broken. Not a single person will ever be categorized by a number again, thanks to our King.

"Daddy!" Christian called pointing out his window to the garden below his Prince room. Butterflies flooded my stomach just as they always had. I stood from Christians "big boy bed" and crossed the room to watch my husband.

Gabriel was talking to some of the main generals of our army and congress members while snow fell around them. Madden took a high place as one of the three head generals of the Illeán army as a thank you from Gabriel. They have formed a bond over the love they have for our country. Unfortunately, Madden's fiancée was an innocent killed in the Execution Incident day. That's what we refer to it as. He's taken place as Christians godfather and lives here in the castle, where Adams old room was.

Gabriel looked from his men and his eyes clicked to mine, and my heart filled with love. I rubbed my pregnant belly and waved at him. He gave me a wink and motioned for me to come down.

"Want to go play in the snow, Christian?" I asked, already getting his winter coat out of his closet.

"Yes, yes, yes!" He chanted. After slipping his arms through I picked him up and trotted down the staircase.

"Need help, Your Majesty?" A butler asked, already putting down the sheets he was carrying.

"No, no I got him, thank you," I responded as Christian wrapped his little arms around my neck. He's very peculiar about the staff holding and touching him.

I burst through the glass doors, entering the white blanketed garden. I let Christian walk from here and wrapped my arms around Gabriel from behind.

"Hello, dear," Gabe laughed, rubbing my bare arm, "Where's your coat?"

"I won't be out here too long, she's kicking too much for me to be comfortable standing," I laughed as he turned to rub my belly.

"Have you finished it?" I asked him.

He nodded, "The last H&R company building has been finalized and hiring on the border as of four o'clock today."

He stood proudly and I hugged him in response. The country has been swarming with support and acceptance of the new era. Now all we have to prepare for is teaching our son the ways of a Prince. We have to teach him everything Anderson wasn't able too.

Turning, Gabriel and I watched Christian lay in the snow and stare at the falling flakes. He smiled and laughed as they landed on his cheeks and I couldn't imagine a better life.

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