Chapter 7: The Palace

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The plane was a luxury that I had never thought I would experienced before. Women in uniform offered me various foreign fruits with dips and hot towels. I declined politely to everything. I didn't want to get used to being pampered and then go home during the first round of cast aways and eat moms homemade noodle soup. Which is only noodles in broth, it's actually a five star meal in my household if that tells you anything about our dinners.

There were four other girls on the plane with me. These were girls that lived in the provinces around Carolina. Two of the girls were obviously friends in a way, sitting in the very back, whispering and giggling to each other. I hadn't learned the girls faces and names for the simple fact I'm not staying long but now I regret it because maybe I'd need friends. I'm sure I'll be lonely.

A petite girl sat across the aisle from me. She took every offer the plane attendant brought by and overly expressed her gratitude.

"I'm Heidi," she said, obviously catching my stare.

"Hi, Ember," I told her offering my hand a bit embarrassed.

"This is all crazy, right?" She said motioning her arms in a vivid way as if she could take it all in through her gesture. Exotic berries spilled over in her lap. She laughed at herself and picked them up, popping them into her mouth. I couldn't help but giggle with her.

"Crazy doesn't even cover the half of it," the fourth and last girl on the plane butt in, "Farrah," she said to me offering a hand.

"Ember," I said. Taking her hand she gave me a hard squeeze and I pulled back quickly. Her green eyes were blazing with hatred. Goodness. I don't think I've ever been hated before.

"Oh, I know who you are. I think everyone does," she said with a fake smile. I smiled in return and turned back to Heidi.

"Where are you from?" She asked me.

"Carolina," I informed.

"Oh! Oh yeah, you were the first one called!" Heidi grinned. "I'm from Dutch, nothing cool ever happens in Dutch. Honestly I couldn't be happier to get away."

"I know how that feels," I laughed and caught Farrah rolling her eyes. I decided to kill her with kindness.

"What about you Farrah?" I asked sweetly. She was sitting catty corner from me, in front of Heidi. Without turning around she answered, "Clinier."

A rich state. I'm sure she was a two and had distant family that were famous or royalty.

Heidi and I talked the entire plane ride. Farrah cut in at times but when she did the atmosphere went so cold that even Heidi's bubbly personality couldn't mask. I put her on my list of girls to avoid in the household. Heidi seemed sweet and although I don't know any of the other girls, I would probably root for her as soon as I got home and watched the competition on the Report. Heidi was a three and loved cooking. In fact, she'd been to other countries to cook for several royal families. Obviously her reasoning into getting chosen for the selection. She acted like it was no big deal so I could tell she was very humble. Queen material.

"When do you think we'll meet him?" Farrah asked directly to Heidi.

"Oh, I hope tonight," Heidi clapped her hands.

"Aren't you nervous?" Farrah questioned.

Heidi's face fell a little, "Not really, he's just another person Farrah."

"Another person who will control our country one day. He has all the power in the world and you think conversation with him will come easy? Do you even know the proper etiquette with meeting royalty?"

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