Chapter 25: Love

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I couldn't hide my excitement for the rest of the night which lasted entirely too long. I danced happily with anyone who asked me and Princess Keyana and I hung out when we were dancing. Soldiers upon soldiers asked me to dance. None were as good a dancer as Gabriel but I didn't fall with any of them so that was a plus. The rest of the night was a complete bore until one soldier in particular caught my attention.

His eyes so familiar, his face had been one of once held and his lips had been ones I'd once kissed. He'd been staring at me from a table full of soldiers and once he caught my eye he began to walk towards me. My eyes widened and I looked back to Princess Keyana.

"Okay, want to know something crazy?" I asked. "A secret of my own."

"Shoot!" She exclaimed, jumping up and throwing a grape down.

"This soldier that's walking up behind me is my ex of a really long time," I whispered frantically. "We broke up when I came here. Oh my, he's going to-"

"Lady Ember," Madden whispered. Princess Keyanas eyes went wide and her mouth dropped. "May I have this dance?"

I turned slowly away from Princess Keyana, who couldn't form words with her jaw hitting the table. I nodded and took his hand. As he led me to the dance floor, I turned my head back to Princess Keyana who hadn't moved a muscle.

The music was not slow and I knew Madden didn't know these steps. I let him have the leading stance but he followed my steps closely.  I refused to look him in the eyes as he began talking.

"You enjoying your time here?" He asked softly.

"Mhmm," I answered, watching other couples spin around us.

"I hear the food is good," he said.

"Mhmm," I repeated.

"How about the-"

"What are you doing here?" I said, finally looking at him. "Why did you sign up to serve? You had a future. You had food on the table and money for clothes."

He shook his head, "This isn't about money."

"Then what is it about? No one wants your job," Maybe a little harsh but not wrong. No one wants to train and then leave your family constantly to be the palace's lap dog.

"There's a lot going on here and a lot that you're being kept in the dark about-"

"Please tell me you didn't join just to come here and tell me these things," I rolled my eyes.

"Ember," he said sternly. It got my attention and I stared up at him. "How many letters have you gotten from me?"

"One," I answered smoothly.

"I've sent you seven. Someone's intercepting my letters," he said, looking around like he was trying to find the culprit. "First off, something big is about to happen. People in Carolina are signing up to be apart of the rebellion. There's a secret leader that promising everyone jobs and homes. All of it is bull but when you're a Five and desperate-" he stopped, embarrassed by how he belittled my cast. He didn't apologize, only went on.

"It's becoming huge, Ember. More importantly, your name is out there. It's in fliers, in newspapers. They're saying," he stopped and took a breath. "They're saying that once you marry Prince Gabriel, you've promised to get rid of the cast system. That you're word will be over Prince Gabriel's. That you're their only hope."

I was stunned to say the least. I'm sure Gabriel knew this was happening and I'm sure it's why his parents hated me and wanted me sent home. Yet, Gabriel was still willing to keep me and favor me. Did he have an interest in getting rid of the system?

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