Chapter 37: Ready

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I had never run so fast in my entire life. I waited patiently in the Princess room for what seemed like hours and then I sprinted down the halls and stairs to my room. As soon as I reached it, I turned and slammed the door behind me. I pulled the paper out and smoothed it on the wall taking another look. Is it possible that no other country decided to contact. There's no way this letter was it.

The Queen could've intercepted- my inner voice began to remind me and I shut the thought down quickly because it was so obvious. The Queen was the one contacting them all, of course she would intercept any letter and every call before her family could discover. But not this one. This one was mine. With time, I would reveal her to the world.

I folded the letter in half and pushed it underneath my mattress where my book still lay. I wanted so badly to go find Gabriel or King Anderson or even Officer Bowen. To shove the letter in their faces, to scream out every secret I knew. But I wouldn't. I couldn't. Gabriel and I's wedding will be tomorrow and then we'll be headed on our honeymoon. I longed for the getaway, to get my mind off of everything here in the palace. It was so large but I had never felt more confined.

My mind jostled from the letter to the wedding, anxiety overwhelming me. Too much happening at once, I suddenly worried if I would have another panic attack like I had in my first weeks here. I sat on my bed and put my head between my hands and rocked back and forth. How much could go wrong tomorrow? I could fall walking down the aisle with hundreds of cameras flashing away. I could choke on my "I do". I could say too much and present myself not fit to be royalty. Then, my mind churned over the honeymoon and I was about five seconds away from throwing up when a knock sounded at my door.

"Come in," I yelled, not changing positions.

"Lady Ember," Alice said quickly and I heard three sets of footsteps enter my room. "Are you all right?" She asked with concern.

"No, Alice! I'm freaking out," I exasperated, throwing myself back. "I can't do this."

"You can do anything, Ember," Kayla patted my leg encouragingly.

"What can't you do?" Alice asked.

"The wedding. I'm going to embarrass myself... Gabriel... Illeá. I can't do it," I huffed on the verge of tears.

"What exactly can't you do?"

"Walk down the aisle without tripping, dancing without falling, say my vows without choking... anything to do with the honeymoon," I blushed fiercely.

"Ohhhh," Kayla whispered with a slight giggle.

Alice and Dina couldn't help but giggle too. I shot up and stared daggers at them.

"I'm so glad my anxiety is humorous to you," I whined, throwing my head back to look up at the ceiling.

"Ember," Alice began slowly. "You love Prince Gabriel, he loves you. It will all come naturally when the time comes."

"How do you know?" I asked, once again in a whining tone.

"Well," she began. "I was once married."

My head snapped up to her in an instant, "You were?"

She nodded slowly, "He was a soldier. Such a gentleman and the love of my life. I can assure you, it will be as easy as breathing."

I wanted to press the matter with her further but I could see the sadness in her eyes and I knew she was a widow. I nodded my head silently and laid on my back once more.

"We actually were sent to retrieve you, Lady Ember. Laurie-" I quickly cut Kayla off.

"Ugh!" I complained quickly. "Just take me prisoner," I held my arms out. Alice laughed and took me by my wrist.

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