Chapter 33: Yes

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Gabe was correct when he said that this flight would blow my mind compared to my last. Reclining plush seats with large screens that projected movies. The flight attendants served us dinner when the time came and we were allowed to eat it wherever we pleased. Personally, I couldn't pull myself away from the projections.

"If I'd had known you'd be impressed with this, I'd have shown you the theatre," he had told me.

When we landed the bright sky outside was pitch black, no village to brighten up our visit nor was there a palace, only darkness where the jet landed in an open road that was carless but that wasn't abnormal. I watched Gabriels face as we walked down the steps and I could sense a bit of confusion.

Our chauffeur honked the horn and turned on a light to give us some insight on the general direction we should head.

When we were close enough we could see that there were two cars. "This one will be going to the medical building," the chauffeur informed us and Gabriel and I climbed in while my mother and father headed towards the other one for home.

The driver started and Gabriel's hand was on my knee, "You okay?"

I nodded once while staring out the window. The road slowly trailed off into the dirt paths that were our "streets".

I could feel Gabriel leaning to glance out of the window to get a good look at what I call home. I studied him as he took in our moss covered buildings, run down homes and a couple men leaned against a broken down car for shelter from the light drizzle that has began. He turned his head away from them as if to push it from his mind. I laid a hand on top of his, "Are you okay?" He only squeezed my fingers and I knew that's all I would get.

As soon as we pulled up to the medical building I swung open my door not giving my chauffeur enough time to open it for me. I heard Gabriel apologize softly behind me but I didn't care, I stalked my way through the doors to see my sister.

The medical building was as crowded as ever. Sneezes, coughs, gagging filled the air with not enough beds or medicine to go around.

"Caroline Eckerson, please," I demanded the front desk lady without looking her way, only down the hallway behind her.

"Of course, we have everything set up. This way," she responded, standing from her chair and holding an arm out. I circled around the front desk and stopped in my tracks when I didn't hear Gabriel's footsteps behind me. I turned to see what was taking him so long and caught him looking around the room, feet glued to floor, bewildered.

I walked slowly up next to him and put my hand on his arm. "Remember this when you're king, Gabriel. Remember what you seen with your own eyes. They're out here because they have nothing. Not enough beds in the back, not enough medicine to cure them. Some are here because they have no home to go to and they don't want their children to sleep in the rain. Remember it."

Gabriel stared hard flicking from face to face. Children huddled next to their mothers, grown men slouched against the walls wearing dirty clothes. I watched as Gabe understood what was going on in this little room and I could see his outlook changing. His eyes shifted to me and he cleared his throat once before talking, "Have you ever had to..." he motioned forward and I understood what he was asking.

I nodded and he looked around once more. I could see 8 year old me huddled next to my father waiting for medication for a flu that struck Carolina so hard it was killing people left and right. I had acquired it from Madden's little brother without realizing what he had. We both survived it, no thanks to the medical building.

Gabriel motioned towards the hall, "Let's go see your sister." Then he walked past me with such anger in his voice that it was impossible to miss. The nurse led us through an array of hallways until we were in front of one single door. The nurse looked inside and asked "Who are you?"

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