Chapter 17: Goodbyes

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The hours we were trapped were restless and I had never been so grateful when a soldier opened the wall for us. I popped up from the cot and thanked the soldier on my way out. I didn't say goodbye or thank Officer Bowen because I was so embarrassed by the conversation we held.

"Ember, in here!" I heard Grace's voice as I was passing the Lady's Room to go upstairs. I searched the room where the other girls were sitting around in a circle of chairs. All were still in their nightgowns.

"Queen Olivianna is going to speak with us," a blonde girl informed me.

I began to walk towards the room when my hand was pulled, taking my body with it. I was suddenly crushed against a hard chest, one that I was beginning to know so well. He smelled of lilac, his strong muscles wrapped around my shoulders and I could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat through his shirt. The sweet sound made me think of what I'd admitted to Officer Bowen. Admitting that I had fallen in love with Gabe was hard enough to do to a stranger. Idly I wondered how I'd ever begin to tell him.

"I was so worried," he whispered in my ear, "Tonight, I'll come to you at eight," he pulled quickly from me and started off down the hallway without turning back.

Queen Olivianna was strutting towards me eyes ablaze, obviously witnessing mine and Gabe's little encounter. I blushed fiercely and turned to the Lady's Room where the other girls were glaring at me. I sat in the only empty seat left between two girls I'd never spoken or stood out enough in my mine to remember their names.

"Hello ladies," Queen Olivianna began, "I know that last night was a surprise to all. As you can see a couple of the girls conceded from the running voluntarily," I took a glance around the room and she was right although I hadn't noticed till now. Slowly, I began to count each girl. 14. Including me, 14 girls were still in the running.

"We would like to inform you all that last night is a very common thing. If any of you feel that you cannot handle the stress of the palace and what goes on in it or against it, please stand up now and we'll help you pack your bags." Everyone looked between one another but no one stood.

"Please ladies, it will be easier on everyone. Including Gabriel. Being a princess and a queen means staying calm in these situations, putting your head together with your husband and preparing to lose soldiers."

Her speech had to be aimed at someone but since I was apart from the other girls I didn't know who had freaked out so badly that the Queen herself wanted her to step away from the competition because she deemed her unfit. It wasn't until a movement to my right stood, that the girl had been revealed.

"Come, Lady Heidi," the Queen announced.

"Heidi?" I whispered to myself. I watched her stand up and lock eyes with me, her despair obvious. She followed Queen Olivianna out of the Lady's Room without a glance back.

"What happened to her?" The question was directed towards Grace but Opal spoke up instead.

"She went into a severe panic attack last night. She shook and couldn't speak for hours."

"She was weak," if Farrah was anything, it was blunt. "A Queen can't break down like she did. She obviously was not cut out for the job.

I stared at the, now, 12 other girls around me. Some still shook from the night before, some-like Farrah-was laughing at the fact others couldn't take it. One of us 13 girls were going to be the princess and then queen. One of us were going to be the wife of Gabriel Hudson.

Queen Olivianna entered the room again, "Ladies, you can go get dressed for lunch."

It was only now I realized it was light outside the window. I had been in that room with Officer Bowen all night. I made my way up the stairs and turned not down my hallway, but down Heidi's.

Her door was closed shut so I gave it a short knock and let myself in. Her maids were no where to be seen and she was packing some night gowns in a brown suitcase.

"Hi," I said, picking a shirt up off her bed and folding it.

"Hi," she retorted, not meeting my eyes. Her shoulders slumped but her face showed no emotion.

"Heidi... I'm so sorry," I finally said after a long moment of silence.

"You don't have to feel bad for me. I could have never married Gabriel," she mumbled, still avoiding eye contact.

"And why is that?" I asked her. She stood throwing a dress in her suit case. She squared her shoulders up to me.

"Because he's in love with you."

Her statement took me by surprise. Heidi, whom was cheering and dancing about Gabe kissing her just a week or so ago was now admitting defeat.

"Don't be silly, Heidi," I said trying to brush it off.

"No, Ember . Don't you dare play dumb. He only talks about you, even on other dates. The other girls told me. And last night, when we were all seeking comfort, he didn't offer a single one of us a shoulder to cry on. He was too concerned about you. Ember," she sat down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder, "you have him eating out of the palm of your hand and you don't even realize it."

She stood zipping her suitcase. I shook my head at her. If he was eating out of the palm of my hand then why was I so unsure of him.

"Lady Heidi," a butler appeared in the door way. I guessed her car was here to take her back home. I stood so I could pull her in for a hug. I didn't know much about her but she was the only one who would talk to me here. When she pulled away she dipped down into a curtsy.

"Princess Ember," she said bowing her head before me, "It was a pleasure being here with you."

Then she turned and left without a second glance back.

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