Chapter 3

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It has taken me 45 minutes to get the girls to sleep. Madison was easy, after her bath she almost immediately fell asleep. It's been her second bath for the night. After that Ice Cream fiasco I had no alternative. I absolutely love watching her fall asleep, the way her little eyes flutter open and close, every now and then whispering 'Da da da' whilst rubbing the stubble on my face.

She is just perfect and having these moments with her are so special. I miss them so much when they not here, but it still somehow doesn't feel complete without Kate.

The divorce really hit me hard. Ofcourse I have never showed it, but for the first month I basically cried like a little bitch every night. I don't really know why. It was my idea to get the divorce. Things just seemed to have fallen apart completely between the two of us, and no matter how hard she tried, I just didn't feel the same anymore. I started going on these singles websites and chatting to girls. It made me feel wanted. It may me feel in control. It made me feel like a man and not just someone that was there to take out the dustbin on Fridays.

When I met Kate, 12 years ago, we instantly connected. I was friends with her best friend at the time. The girls needed a lift to a club, and hey, I had a car. I was sitting downstairs on the tiniest fucken couch known to man, watching a Rugby game on TV with Jackys dad, praying to god that they would hurry the fuck up, when I saw Kate standing in the door way, leaning against the frame like she owned place.

She rendered me speechless. She was beautiful. She was wearing tight black jeans with a rip on the right knee and another on the top left thigh. The white sleeveless, Jack Daniels T- shirt was hanging perfectly over her large breasts and her hair was tide up in a sleek brown ponytail that reached the middle of her back. She was wearing these black heals, I couldn't see her toes, but they reminded me of the heals a stripper would wear. Fuck she looked hot.

"So, you must be Bryce?"

I could not take my eyes off hers. They were piercing. Lined with that black stuff the girls wear and turquois. Turquois like the water of the Caribbean. Like the eyes of a cat. I swear she could see straight into my soul, straight into the part of me that stirred with raw longing.

I cleared my throat, "Yeah, and you must be Kate?" She smiles. Fuck, that smile. The way her eyes would squint and how her tongue slightly stuck through her teeth.

I look awkwardly at Jacky's dad, he doesn't even seem to notice Kate in the door way.

"Who's winning uncle D?" She leans over to get a look at the Tv screen.

"The Sharks Kate, you seem to have predicted this one right." Jacky's dads reply was abrupt, not taking his eyes off the game.

What? This girl knows rugby. You have got to be fucken kidding me. I reminded myself to ask Jacky why she never introduced her friend to me sooner. Her response when I did ask her was, "She is way too wild for you. You need a good girl B."

"Mmm, I told you." Her eyes back on me. "So, you want to finish watching or do want to sit outside, Jacks is going to still be another 15 minutes or so."

Without a word I stood up, shook the old man's hand and followed Kate outside.

We ended up standing at my car while I had a smoke and she took a few secret drags so that the parents didn't see. We talked about everything. Jacky took about a half an hour, and during that time, there was not one moment of silence between Kate and myself.

She told me everything I needed to know. She was 17 and had known Jacks since she was 11. Her parents were divorced and she stayed by her dad. She had moved in with Jacky 2 weeks ago after a horrible break in at her dad's house where her brother got shot. She was fun, she was smart and she was so easy to talk to.

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