I turn to the stage when I hear a blood curdling scream.

"Claire!" I say to myself. I walk to the door I took to get here. It's locked! How else can I get there? There's always the stage...

I run to the nearest security guard. He looks very familiar. I must have seen him backstage.

"Hey! I need to get backstage! Can I just hop on the stage and run past the curtain?"

"No. Only authorized personnel can be on stage."

"Come on! I'm dating Frank, and I'm not gonna hurt the guys! I have a backstage pass,"I say, lifting the laminated pass Gerard gave me earlier, "please just let me go help my friend!" I yell.

"Do you have any proof of your relationship with Mr. Iero?" I reach into my back pocket, desperate for anything to prove myself. I get my wallet, and open it, handing a picture of me and Frank at the beach to the guard. He sighs, and nods his head.

"Thank you!" I yell, and hop on the stage. I run past the curtain, and see Claire, pushed up against the wall. Pushing her, is my ex, Adam.

"Adam what are you doing?" I scream. He turns to see me, and he lets Claire go.

"I just came to see you, sweet pea. I heard you were here with that scum, Frank. I came to save you baby!" He says, coming closer to me. I take a step back.

"Adam, you broke up with me. Please leave." I plead. He takes a step forward, planting a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I wipe my face with the back of my hand.

"I'll go now, but don't expect me to be so kind next time." He whispers, leaving through the back door.

"Are you okay?" I run and ask Claire. There should be more security back here.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Maybe a bruise or two. Let's not tell the guys about this."

"Yeah ok, good idea. Hey, Jacob is over there, you should say hi," I say.

"Oh, uh, ok," Claire says awkwardly. She walks into the auditorium and trips over air on her way. She's exactly like Mikey, I swear. She looks back at me with a confused look on her face. I run over and lead her to where I saw Jacob, only minutes ago.

"Hey Claire," he practically screams when he sees her.

"Hey Jacob the hobo. Why is your hair blond?" Claire screams back.

"I dyed it! I think it looks nice!" He shouts.

"Yeah! It does! I like it!" Claire yells.

"Thanks hippie. Maybe we should talk after the concert?" Jacob yells and Claire nods. When the concert is over and everyone has left, Claire, Jacob, and I all sit on the stage and catch up on each other's lives.

"So, you and Mikey, huh?" Jacob asks Claire sadly.

"Yeah," Claire says then looks around the auditorium akwardly. Suddenly we all hear someone yell from backstage and it sounds like Frank.

"CAR-O-LINEE!!!!"He screeches and we all turn around at the same time. We get up and walk backstage to find all the guys freaking out. Over a spider. Me and Jacob scream and hide behind Ray and Gerard, but Claire just stares at us all.

"Are you serious? It's just a freaking spider," Claire says.

"Well then, kill it if you're so brave!" Gerard says.

"Alright Ron Weasley," Claire says then picks up a newspaper and a cup. She uses the paper to guide the spider into the cup and then as a lid for the cup. She leaves the building, then comes back with the cup. She throws the cup and Mikey, who screams and moves out of the path of the empty flying cup. Claire starts laughing at Mikey, who pouts.

I'm Not Okay (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now