Chapter 24 - I got you. You got me.

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"How do you feel about starting a new school and having new friends? Because I'm totally fine with, I'm used to it..." Sky glimpsed at Liam with the corner of her eye while they were walking to Sky's car.

"Me? I'm used to it, too. Besides, I don't care about anything else as long as I am with you." Liam pulled Sky closer to him and kissed her cheek warmly.

She blushed and giggled, rolling her eyes softly. "Ha, right." Her lips curved into a soft smile which she tried to hide.

"I'm not kidding." Liam laughed before kissing her cheek again.

"I know." Sky thought of resting her head on Liam's shoulder as he had his arm wrapped around her neck but they were seconds away from reaching her car.

They were soon home and once they walked in, the delicious smell of a homemade food paralysed them. "I'm hungrier than I thought." Liam stated and left Sky behind as he rushed to the kitchen where his uncle was setting the table.

"Same." Sky nodded and rushed right after him, dropping her backpack on the ground and her jacket on the couch.


"Years later, surely after we graduate, we can get married once we move out and then have kids, have a normal job maybe something like a teacher or an engineer or a nurse and have our own big house and two cars; one for you, one for me...That's gonna be cute." Liam daydreamt, laying on the bed next to Sky who was constantly rolling her eyes at all the hypothetical cute ideas Liam was spitting out.

"What the hell Liam..." Sky burst into laughter and Liam glared at him. "Why? I find it awesome!" He exclaimed, looking deadly serious.

"Fine, whatever." Sky rolled her eyes again, laughing softly.

"Do you doubt something like that happening?" Liam was still shocked by Sky's expression towards his dreams.

"Yeah? I mean, no, but it's just...It just sounds weird to me...sorry." Sky shrugged slightly.

"Baby, anything could happen. Never doubt things that fast." Liam pulled Sky into his hug and kissed her forehead.

Sky laughed "Fine, I'll just move on now."

"It's no big deal, all I'm saying is that you never know. Maybe we'll stay forever together." Liam shrugged as if that was a normally expected thing.

"Would you like that?" Sky closed her eyes, her head resting on Liam's chest.

"Like? I would love that." He mumbled and Sky felt him smiling. "Would you?"

"Me? Uh, I don't know. It doesn't sound that bad though."

"I'll pretend you agreed now."

"Well, I'm sorry for not being able to look at my future life. I don't know if we will still be together after years, I don't know if I ever want to have kids, I don't know with what grade I'll graduate school so that I can have a good job, I don't even know what's going to happen tomorrow!" Sky ranted as she pulled herself out of Liam's hug.

"Wow, okay, calm down. I didn't mean to make you feel pressured or something. I was literally just saying." Liam mumbled, feeling attacked.

"Alright, sorry but I just felt like all this 'future talking' hit me like lightning." Sky shrugged, a sad curve formed on her lips.

Liam watched her carefully and noticed every little thing she did when she was anxious like the way she would bite the inside of her cheek, the way her eyes couldn't focus on one point. He noticed the way she played with her fingers; intertwining them together and cracking her knuckles. "You reek anxiety, Sky." He got closer to her and took her hand in his.

"Look, I never meant to give you anxious feelings. I didn't realise that you hated talking or even thinking about the future and I'm the one to blame for that, I know. The thing is, I want to be with you forever from now on. I truly want to." All this time, Liam was staring deep into her eyes, making her tear up for saying how he wanted to be with her forever.

"But..." Sky tried to interrupt him but he shushed her.

"I know you're going to say that I hardly know you but look at us. We hardly knew each other and we still ran away together. If that doesn't show how we should trust each other, then what does? I didn't know you but I chose to be with you through thick and thin. Tell me, did this turn out bad?" Liam went on and on, replying to all the unsaid questions that Sky had.

"It actually turned out very well." Sky nodded and giggled, smiling widely.

"See? Everything's going to be okay. I got you. You got me." Liam hugged her tightly and this hug reminded Sky of their very first hug; tight and loving, like nothing else mattered.

"Honestly, I can't wait until the day that I will wake up at the view of you making breakfast and our son getting ready for school." Liam smiled playfully at Sky who rolled her eyes since Liam would just not let go of this dreaming away mood.

"Oh, shut up, please. As if there's a chance that's gonna happen..." Sky mumbled before getting up from the bed and leaving the room to go get her backpack and start studying for school.

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