Chapter 21 - What if we run away?

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"That's it, you've taken it a bit too far, young lady!" Sky's father looked madder than ever and Sky was left out of words to explain what had happened.

And how would she? Would she tell her father what happened between her and Theo? And then explain why she got that upset over him? Upset enough to almost kill him. There was no possible way for her to explain all this and one side of hers, didn't even want to explain anything. All she could think of was Liam.

"First you bring all your friends here, Beacon Hills was full enough with supernatural creatures and you brought all your supernatural friends, too. Then, you reveal your wolf side to your new friends. And finally, you decide to reveal it to your whole school and disrespect the teacher too! What is wrong with you, Sky?" Her dad was about to explode. He wouldn't stop accusing her for everything. Yes, she wasn't right to do whatever she did, she knew that but it's was not her fault that her pack followed her all the way from LA. She couldn't be blamed for that but still, her father would accuse her for that too.

"Steve, go easy on her! She's a teenager, what did you expect?" Sky's mom got in between them and tried to calm them down. She was always the calmer one and maybe that was because she had no powers to bother her.

"But Emily, now we have to leave Beacon Hills."

"Do what? No, you can't do this to me now...I finally found a place to fit in and you're gonna just take that away from me!?" Sky went nuts once she heard her father's words. This couldn't be happening. She can't leave. Not now. Not later or tomorrow. She didn't want to leave. She felt accepted in this place and she was totally fine with all her classmates and friends. And that thing with Theo, would go away eventually. Soon, it wouldn't matter and maybe she would be dating Liam and everything would be fine. But what her father just said, made her heart sink. And where would they go? One thing Sky knew was that she didn't want to go back to Los Angeles.

"Don't you think you've caused much trouble already?" Steve said again, making Sky get angry at him more and more.

"So what? Everyone knows what is going on in Beacon Hills, they're not that stupid. And it's not like what I did can't be covered up." Sky defended herself and watched her father drift off to silence after that.

Both her parents left her room and she was left all alone with her thoughts. The thing she disliked the most. She couldn't stop thinking about Liam and how much she wanted to get the hell out of there and go meet him. She was grounded. But she needed to get out of there.

"Can we meet up please?" Liam opened up a text from Sky and instantly replied with "Meet me outside the school".

Good thing it was 8 pm and everything was dark outside. She was grounded but that wouldn't stop her. She opened her window and jumped down, running towards the school.

She was soon there and Liam, who was already there, ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so glad you could meet me." Sky mumbled while she was still in his arms.

"What's going on?" Liam was concerned about her, more now that he heard her heart beat like a drum.

"My father, he, he said that we..will leave." Sky managed to say between her short breaths after running that fast.

"What? No, you can't!" Liam exhaled surprised and depressed at the same time. "Please don't..." He pleaded without even letting her go of his arms.

She buried her face in his shoulder and neck and tried to avoid the pain this whole thing was causing her. Liam didn't want her to leave and she didn't want to leave either but now that she knew how Liam wanted her to stay, it was even more painful.

"They said I've taken it too far." Sky mumbled, sad. Liam was holding her so tightly like it was the last time he'd ever seen her alive.

"What if..." Liam started whispering to her and she paid attention, waiting anxiously for him to go on and suggest what he wanted to. "What if we run away?" He finally said and Sky pulled back from his arms, making eye contact with him.

"You can't be serious?" She was amazed by his suggestion and for a moment, she wanted to do that more than anything.

"I am dead serious." He said, not joking. And he looked like he was almost ready to leave that moment.

"No, I mean, look, I'm 18 but what about you? You're younger, we both still go to school and where will we go?" Sky started thinking about it more and more.

"I don't care about that, and we can find a way. Have you ever been to Ohio?" He asked Sky, out of nowhere.

"Yes, I have but what does that matter?" Was he intending to suggest to run away to Ohio? Okay but where would they live?

"Did you like it? You would like to visit it again?" Liam sounded eager for Sky's reply, who looked confused much.

"Um yeah, okay, I guess?" She shrugged her shoulders simply.

"Then let's go! My uncle lives there. We have a place. And we can continue school there too if you want." He stated that like it was a commonly normal thing.

Sky was getting lost in her thoughts. Did he honestly suggest they leave and go to Ohio? She didn't even know if she was sure if she wanted to run away just like that. She hadn't committed a crime to feel wanted and on the run but for some reason, she did feel a bit like it.

"Meet me tomorrow outside the hospital with all your package and let's leave this place. I'm sick of it anyway." Liam smiled impatiently at Sky who was still lost in her own mind and thoughts.

"I'm not certain I wanna do this but in case I do, just know that I'll come with my car, okay?" She nodded at him, smiling and he smiled back before hugging her goodbye and leaving.

Wow, so, that was it. Sky and Liam. They would run away from Beacon Hills. Leaving behind school, friends, families. Oh, Sky would let her pack know about that but only after she'd leave so that they wouldn't stop her. And she hoped everything would turn out great because she had taken the decision as she was walking back home. She would take the chance and run away with Liam. Her whole life she dreamed about running away, anyway.

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