Ivy clung to the rocks climbing up as a couple of vines hung from the trees to the rocks.

"This is beautiful." Clarke said in awe. I smiled

"Let's go for a swim." I said as I took off my jacket.

"What?" She asked as I took my shirt off as I leaned down to take my boots and socks off.

"Let's go for a swim." I repeated as I took off my pants.

"Hurry up." I said as I took off my bra.

"Lydia!" Clarke said as she turned around as I rolled my eyes. I turned around to the water and dived in headfirst. The was water was nice and warm. Beneath the steam the water was crystal clear. I pushed up the surface. I pushed my hair back and walked up to the edge.

"Hurry up and get in." I told Clarke as she hurriedly took off her clothes.

"I don't know how to swim." She told me

"I do" I answered as I went back under. I saw a bit of black floating away from me. I noticed it was coming from my hair. I scrubbed my head quickly as I started seeing my strawberry blonde hair.

I resurfaced as I saw Clarke relax into the warm water. She had a small smile playing on her lips with her eyes closed as I smiled at her. I took her hand as she opened her eyes.

I led her away from the edge as we fooled around in the water. We splashed the water at each other as the steam rose around us. Creating almost like a cloud of secretness.

"Look. There's a cave." I told Clarke as I swam closer to the water fall. The spray of the water was cold against my skin. I turned around to look at Clarke as I have a smirk before disappearing behind the wall of water.

"Lydia!" She yelled as she didn't dare come after me. Behind the water fall was a glowing cave. Little glowing flowers hung from the cave ceiling.

The ivy that climbed up the wall was glowing, the vines, even the water seemed to glow.
"Woah." I heard someone say faintly. I turned around and saw Clarke shivering from the cold water but warming up. She looked around the cave as I went a bit deeper. I was able to walk. The deeper in the cave I went the less water there seemed to be.

The cave wasn't that deep but still. I knew Clarke was following close behind because I could feel the heat radiating off of her skin. The water reached up to my hips as I felt Clarke's hand around my bicep as she turned me around.

"What-" I was about to ask but her lips crashed into mines. I didn't think of asking questions at the moment because at that time I was pretending that I wasn't kissing Clarke but someone else.

There was a flat rock on the edge of the water as I hauled Clarke up there. My gold medallion laid on her neck as I trailed kisses on her.

She suddenly flipped me over so she was the one straddling me. She pinned my arms above my head. As I closed my eyes.


"You know usually I take charge." I told her as put our clothes on. We were both tired as we laid basking in the sun together.

"Yeah I know." She said as I put my jacket on

"Lydia....just because we had sex doesn't mean we're back together." She said to me as I ran my fingers through my strawberry blonde hair.

"I know. I just love being a rebound." I told her with a serious face.

"Lydia...you weren't a rebound." She told me as I snorted

"Yeah right. You're trying to get over Finn. And I was there for the taking. Don't worry I'm used to it." I said as I squeezed in between the trees.

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