People can y'all not

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Why are people still talking about me and my crushes? Okay so Ms. Hervey, my biology teacher, was sitting with me outside for lunch and she began asking me questions. She asked and I quote "So how does it feel to be gay" I was super confused because I'm not, I think. She then said "oh, are you gay" I was like "um... no" she then said that she felt bad. I was so mad inside because of coarse someone told her about something. She then said the following "Why do you hate Axel" i then said "how do you know I hate Axel" she said that he told her.

If I hated Axel, I hate him much more now"

I may have confused all of you guys for liking a boy but I am not gay. I am really not sure of my sexuality but I do know who I am, I AM VICTOR.

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