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The story begins when I was about 6 years old. It was a Friday night and the next thing I remember is that it was Monday morning. I know it was a Friday because I went to school that day. Monday morning I was super confused on why I was going to school, because I thought it was Saturday. I asked my mom why we were going to school. She responded "honey, it's Monday, time to go to school" I was still confused all day but I just went with it.
That Monday night I was thinking about what could've happened that weekend. The only think I came up with is that I was abducted by aliens. I never remembered what happened those 2 days of my life, I will never get those 2 days of my life back.
Like I'm not joking around with this, this actually happened. Thank you for reading this, I will try my best to update this story every other day, bye.

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