People I Hate (Part 2)

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Okay this is my second part of the first one, because I have more things to say. Remember last chapter? Well the person I was talking about decided to talk too. If your "friends" with this person I'm sorry in advanced. I'm going to come up with a nickname for him, so I don't say his name, it's Apple . Okay well Apple decided to block me on Instagram, uh and I swear. Apple can say a lot of things online, but when you confront him he is so quiet and not a thing comes out of his mouth. He then cries and then he says sorry like he is the victim in the situation.
I know he is reading this, so this is for you. First of all I don't need advice from people like you. Second, you can't be telling me "to make good friends" only if you knew what the people you call friends talk about behind your back. Third, if you do have problems with me or want to express your words, honey don't say it to your "friends" say it to my face, my friend.

Sorry not bullying anyone, just expressing my feelings.

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