Paranomal Activity

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Let me start off by saying that my house is haunted. There are many stories to this, here's some of them.
It was midnight, and we (my family) were sleeping. Then around 1:30am I heard water dripping, I thought it was just outside and ignored it. A couple minutes later my dad came in and said "did you go to the restroom?" And answered "no". He got up and went to the restroom and the water was running. The strange thing is, is that the water was boiling hot and the bathroom was full of steam. Still this day, we don't know what or who turned the water on. That night i couldn't sleep just thinking about it.
I think this story is very relatable to some of y'all. At night it was all good I went to sleep perfectly and everything. In the morning I was awaked inside but I felt someone was pushing me and closing my eyes. Here's how it felt, someone on top of me grabbing my legs, arms, eyes, and punching my down. I tried to open my eyes with all my strength but I couldn't. I was thinking in my head what do I do, how do I wake up! After about 15 minutes I woke up normally just thinking what had happened. The next one was at night, I couldn't sleep so I just stared up in the ceiling. I stared and started and then I see a white light cross my room. My heart was beating super fast, minutes later the white light appeared again. I didn't think twice I went straight to my parents room, where I spent the night.
The final story was this night that I was watching a movie all by myself, because I'm a loner and single, and my parents where in there room doing I don't know what. So I was very concentrated in the movie when a big "bang" sound went off in the hallways. At first I thought it was my parents that accidentally hit a picture frames and that fell. But no my parents quickly came and said "did you hear that" and I said "um yeah". My parents then looked in the hallways and nothing was on the floor that had fallen. Meanwhile, scared Victor was inside the bed sheets of his parents bed. When everyone got back to the bed, my mom had the nerve to tell me a scary story that was true according to her. She said that kids that die when there babies are called "Duendes". Right now, go google duendes then you will know what I'm talking about. She said that when people were riding their bicycles, in Mexico, at night, the "duendes" would hop into the bicycle and the bicycle would feel heavy and then get them off track from their destination.
These stories are 100% real, and don't even let me start in the last story because it was so freaking scary. Thank you for reading this, see y'all later.

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