I am...

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I feel like a fish in a tank
being played with tapping
on the glass with people looking
at me calling me happy.

Alone and depressed with the
thought that I am straight.
Hanging with girls to prove
that I'm not gay, telling them
that I hanging with them
is letting you know that I'm
nothing but straight. Seeing me
twerk or drop it like its hot
does not make me gay, its
showing you that I like to
have fun and make people
laugh with the thought that
I am straight

Looking in the mirror questioning my
sexuality, asking myself, "am I straight
or am I gay", because I don't fit
into the stereotypes that society considers a man.

Am I not man because sometimes
I cry? Am I not a man because I don't
keep my emotions inside? Last time I checked,
I had all the parts to be considered
a man, should I really question who
I am? The definition of am man is "a man
or a boy who shows the qualities (such
as strength and courage)". I am a man
because I have the strength to take the
verbal abuse, and the courage to be myself,

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