Chapter 24-Broken Hearts

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*Shaneria Blenco POV*

Months have passed.
Maybe 4.
The murderous acts of the man who showed up on my doorstep, has not stopped.
Numerous bloody wounds and injuries have showed up in the E.R. with his signature.
The police can not find who he is or predict his next murder.
So for the time being, we are all kept in the shadows...never knowing who or when may the next victim be found.

Nate and Joel had talked to me separately.
Telling me that they have seen this man act before in the hospitals they previously worked at.
They never gave me a name, claiming it was better to know less.
But what I was told, was to never go out alone, not to give out my information, and not to let any strangers into my home.
Its was kinda unnecessary because I never did those things anyway, but at least it was a refresher.

But off the horrific topic.
Things were doing okay in my life at the moment.
Joel had seemed to get over the fact I was with Nate, and we continued being buds.
Nate had moved into my home for my pregnancy and then after the birth, we would decide what to do later.
Saba was doing great. She was happy, playful and energetic.
Work was half and half.
Having to deal with these people who had a chance of dying from this unknown man, only brought up the memories of my sister and her husband's death.
I would never forget...and may never be the same.
But I couldn't live my life this way.
It would send me mad and further into a depression.

Its time I start listening to my own encouragement and started living the lifestyle I want Saba and my child to live.

"Hey, girl! Youre really showing today" Alex says excitedly while looking at my noticeable baby bump.
While slipping on my lab coat, I smile.
"How far along now?" She continued.
"About 5 months. It's a little late but today I go and find out the gender" I tell her.
"How exciting! Make sure to tell me the deats!" She smiles back and grabs her coffee from the coffee maker.
"For sure" I reply and grab my caffeine free herbal tea on the counter infront of me.
She grabs a file beside the coffee maker, that she set down earlier and exits the staff room.
I grab my stethoscope and place it over my neck.
I take a sip of my apple cinnamon tea.

After I swallow, I can feel my stomach turn.
Ugh, morning sickness hasnt left me yet.
I rush to the staff toilet and crouch over the white seat.
As I rid the contents of my almost empty stomach, the door that leads to the main floor, opens and closes.
I hadn't bothered to shut the bathroom door, so I use my foot to kick it to a close.
But before it shuts, a hand catches it and an accent says to me, "may I come in?".
"Im not feeling good, Nathaniel" I wheeze and place a hand over my protruding belly
He slowly opens the door in making sure not to hit me.
I flush the toilet and use my free hand to support my head up.
He then squats next to me and placed a hand on my back.
"Maybe you need a longer break from work" he recommends.
I shake my head, "I've been doing fine lately. Today is just one of those days".
"You're pregnant. You need to be more relaxed" he tells me.
I look into his softened gaze and reply softly, "Im fine".
He looks at me like he knows Im not.
"If I need to sit down, I will. Im not going to push myself. And if I need to go home, I'll just alert Joel" I ensure.
He sighs and says a emotionless, "fine".
He helps me get up from my puking position after I heave a few times and makes known, "If you are really not doing well or need to leave, or both, page me. I'll be right with you, understand?".
I smile half heartedly at him and reply, "I'd kiss you right now but I have a feeling you dont want this mouth at the moment".
He looks down and smiles.
Then spontaneously kisses my cheek.
"Chew some gum or something" he grins and goes to the door.
I watch him hold the door open for me and look at me lovingly.
I roll my eyes playfully and walk through with my tea I planned on finishing.
"Open wide" I tell 10 year old Matthew
The little boy opens his mouth wide and I shine my miniature light down his throat.
His breath wreaks of bacteria and infection.
And his tonsils are swollen to the size of golf balls.
"Yup" I say and pocket my light.
I look to Mrs. George, his mother and say, "Tonsilitis. Its such a easy surgery that I can book him in right now".
"Thank you" she replies and walks up to her son to run her hand through his hair.
I take off my plastic gloves and toss them in the trash.
"Change into the hospital gown, dont eat anything, go to the washroom, and just relax. We'll get you feeling better soon little champ" I smile to the little boy.
"He'll be in surgery within an hour" I tell his mother and then exit the curtained room.

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