Chapter 1-Pilot

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*Shaneria P.o.v*
I'm so very nervous for my first day on the job. Butterflies and acid gurgle my stomach and temples ache from the pressure my anxiety causes. I really want to do well and not start with my co workers hating me on the very first day.
I was told that the colour standard of scrubs for doctors was blue. So thats all the colour I got!
I was also told I would have to keep nail polish off, no exotic piercings in, if I had tattoos they had to be covered, no jewelry except if you had wedding rings (which I did not have), running shoes allowed only, and my luscious long brown/red hair had to be pulled back at all times.
Im sure I forgot something but eh, I'll learn eventually.
I rush my shower with green apple products and quickly apply eyeliner amd mascara (Heavy makeup wasn't recommend).

Its about 8 in the morning, since Im new I had to come in at a time when they weren't suppose to be busy.
So I drove my grey Tundra truck into staff parking and grabbed my purse along with my water bottle.
I weave around patients and go to front desk, check in and also recieve an ID to hang on my pant pocket and get a brief tour of the main hospital floor.
Once shown the somewhat deserted staff room, Im assigned a mini locker and I hang my set my stuff in it.
After being finally shown about by the receptionist, I am told to head out to greet 1 of 2 of my mentors.

Immediately I am greeted by Dr Alex Reid as I set foot on the floor alone.
She extends her hand and smiles, "Good morning, Dr Blenco".
I give a firm grasp back and too reply "Morning, Dr Reid".
"Ready for the first day on the job?" She asks and takes a chart from the office desk.
"Sure hope so" I smile and follow her to a patient behind curtains.
There is what looks to be a nurse in pink scrubs, waiting for us.
"What do we have?" Dr Reid asks the nurse and looks to the bloated women on the bed.
"This is Angela. She came in with nonspecific abdominal pain" the short haired girl replied.
"Hi Angela. I am Dr Reid, chief surgical resident and this is Dr Blenco, shes new to the team" Reid says and looks over her chart.
"It says here you've been having abdominal cramping. How long?" She continued.
"Since breakfast" Angela replied.
"Shes been like crying and everything" the curly haired young man that was beside her, added.
"Lin, can you examine her again" Dr Reid Said and watched as the nurse hesitated to touch the lady's stomach.
"You got to press" I piped in and earned a look from the young looking nurse.
Dr Reid looks at me and flicks her head at the patient.
I look to the lady on the bed and said, "Angela, does it hurt when she presses in or releases?".
"Um when she lets go" Angela replied.
"Rebound tenderness, Dr Reid" I say and look to the my mentor.
She nods to me in agreement.
"Alright then, blood work is in order and we'll order a CT to see if something is going on with your appendix" I say and write my order on Angela's chart.
After when I look up, something makes me think there is more to know.
"Is there anything you can add?" I ask and watch them both for any sign.
Soon came a "No".
"Dont worry. The tests will show whats up and everything will be clear" Dr Reid adds in.
I glance a reassurring smile in their direction before going to the desk to file the test application with Alex Reid.
I am handed and shown where the forms are to order procedures for patients. Usually I would ask a nurse but if I cant, I should just go grab one from a cubby bed to the computer.
The nurse in pink followed us and said, "Im sorry. I had trouble examining her because she's so fat".
"Maggie thats the fifth time you've paged me" Dr Reid replied, annoyed.
Frankly, I was too. She shouldn't be so judgemental and hesitate when it comes to patients.
"I know. I just dont want to make a mistake" the nurse known as Maggie, answered.
"Take it slow. Listen to the patients and trust the facts, okay?" Reid clarified.
"Okay" Maggie said.
"Um I know this is my first week rotating in general surgery but I was hoping you could give me this weekend reunion" she too continued.
"Ask Dr Harris. Hes the boss" Reid said.
"I was hoping you would speak to him" Maggie followed as we tried to edge farther from her to get ready to see another patient.
"Uh hope isn't the plan. Ask him yourself" Reid said and turned as a rush of people burst in.
"Come Shaneria" She spoke and I followed quickly to see a man on a stretcher gushing blood from his chest cavity.
"Bus crash. Ejected through the windshield approximately 10 feet. Got penetrating chest wounds" the Paramedic spoke into his walkie talkie.
"I need a room!Full trauma team! Get me the O.R." This rather good looking man said loudly.
He was standing on the side of the stretcher with his hand on or in the man's chest, trying to stop major amounts of blood escaping and killing him quicker.
"Prep O.R" a nurse ordered not too far from us.
"Oh hey Alex! Who's your friend? You guys look like a million bucks by the way! Whoo!" He said and looked back as they passed us at the clinic entrance.
"Page thoractics. Call for the o-negative stat!" A male nurse called out.
"Im calling the blood bank for the o-negative" the desk nurse called back.
Dr Reid looked to me,
"Well isn't this a lovely beginning for you".
I raise my eyebrows to her and reply, "Its a lot scarier in real life thats for sure".
* * *
Dr Reid said I could assist in the surgery of the man who went through the windshield and I was ecstatic. Not of course for this man's injury but because of my opportunity.
Dr Reid showed me the wash up sink and we had to wash up to our elbows after we got on our surgical caps and hung our mouth mask around our necks for the moment.
As we were scrubbing, a male doctor comes up next to Reid and washes too, "you see? And I was all hopeful when you paged me" he joked.
"Oh yeah?" He smiled back.
"Yep. I thought you needed more surgery" He laughed.
"Nope" she giggled.
"Who have we got here?" He asked referring to me, a new face to his memory.
"Dr Harris, this Dr Shaneria Blenco. She just graduated med school this year and we nabbed her as a doctor/surgeon. So for a little while until she learns majority of how we work here, she is mine and Dr Goran's apprentice" Dr Reid answered.
"Hi" I smiled.
"Finally nice to meet you, Blenco. I had a feeling you were the one I picked" Dr Harris smiled.
"Well thank you very much Dr Harris. I am very appreciative" I reply and continue to scrub.
He nods and then asks Reid, "what do ya got?".
"Bus crash victim. He was talking to the bus driver and then went through the windshield. Blunt abdominal trauma. Tap was positive" she answered.
"Ultrasound?" He asked.
"It was fuzzy" I decide to pipe in.
Dr Harris took the info and and we all scrubbed up in gowns and gloves quickly because this guy was gonna die!
* * *
"Get the suction ready. This guy's gonna go boom" Dr Reid warned and I preped the powerful sucker as she made an abdominal incision with her scalpel.
Blood bubbled and squirted out. I placed suction immediately!
"Woah!okay" Reid sputtered in shock.
Dr Harris helped me place another suction tube.
"What do we got?" He asked and watched blood swirl through the tubes.
"There's a deep laceration in the right lobe of the liver"Reid answered.
"Put in the retractor so I can see the spleen" Harris ordered.
A nurse took over suction and I was able to see more inside.
Reid inserted the deaver and asked "what does it look like?".
"Like mush. Its not salvageable" he replied.
"B.P's 60. Im having trouble maintaining" a male nurse replied, watching his monitors.
"Ok lets leave the spleen for now, pack it away and suture the liver first" Reid demanded.
"Sponges" another male nurse said and handed me the sponges.
I took them and stared cleaning the bloody mess as Dr Reid and Harris worked.
"So how many kids you wanna have?" Dr Harris asked Dr Reid.
"What?" She gasped, shocked at the question.
"You heard me. Could have one or two if you like, hell, we could kick it catholic school and have three" Dr Harris spoke and suctioned.
"Liver suture and keep them coming" I said for Dr Reid who needed to focus.
"This guy will be lucky to make it off the table" Dr Harris brought out.
"Lets do everything we can. Anybody know if the medics found an organ donor card?" Reid questioned.
"No wallet. No nothing. This guys a John Doe" a female assistant answered.
* * *
I followed Harris out of the operating room, to the sinks to wash up.
"Hey man. How are you coming in?" He asked, the cute guy I saw earlier but know with his amazing brown hair mostly hidden by the surgical cap. But his beautiful brown eyes still shone despite circumstances.
"Oh hey. Good. I wish I could shake your hand. I cant" He said, now scrubbing up for his surgical performance.
He had a hot accent!!
"No.No.No. No worries. Welcome to hope-zee" Dr Harris said and took off his surgery coat.
Hmm this guy must be of new too.
Dr Reid came through the doors and took off her coat.
That got the guy's attention over to me and Reid and he said, "Hey".
"Got everything you need?" Harris asked.
"Yeah I have. Man, look, I gotta tell you, its a honour to be working with you" the man said.
"The pleasure's ours, and I'm getting all the credit for it, so its even better" Harris told the cutie.
"Im gonna see you Dr Reid at 8, good job Blenco and I'll, uh, I'll see you" Harris said and then had to run.
"See you later man" the guy replied.
Dr Reid walked over to him still washing and asked, "I thought you started work tomorrow".
"Yeah, you know, I sort of figured Id settle into the office and hang some pictures and, uh, then this whole bus crash thing started, so right" He answered, rubbing his arms free of germs.
"I noticed that" Reid commented.
Thats when this indian looking surgeon came by and introduced himself jut before entering the surgery room, " Im Shahir Hamza. Im a neurosurgeon".
"Oh hey man, Im Joel Goran. Im.the. Orthopedic surgeon" he faded as he realised the other surgeon was gone.
"Its gonna be weird isn't it" the guy known as Joel asked openly.
I started the tap and started washing blood and bodily fluids that may have come in contact on my hands or arms.
"Oh Shahir? No, he's just like that" Dr Reid said as she looked back to were that surgeon entered.
"No I mean you and me. I mean you didnt invite me to the wedding so presumably you're still in love with me" Joel spoke.
Dr Reid laughed.
"Right, I totally forgot. The poems you use to write me Mmm-hmm.The breakfast in bed, the nurses you were banging" Reid smirked.
My eyes popped out.
Such a cute guy but from what I just heard, he's a f**k boy!
"Okay, we can stop right there" Joel smiled with his presumed mucho ego.
"No seriously, if Id known youd be here. We would have invited you" she replied honestly.
"If you get off early park regency, suite 918" she said and left.
I grabbed some paper towel and dried my wet hands.
Joel looked over to me.
"I saw you earlier" he commented.
"As did I, Dr Goran" I replied and untied my mouth mask from my neck.
He squinted his eyes, "Are you Dr Blenco?".
"Uh huh" I confirmed and looked through the bottom cupboard for the trash bin.
"Over here sweetheart" he said and used his foot to lightly kick the bin to show me where it was.
I walk to the other side of him and pitch the mask.
"As you may of heard earlier, I am Joel Goran. I would shake your hand too but I'm sterile" he smiled at the last bit of his sentence.
"I understand Dr. Good luck with your next surgery" I say and start to head out of the surgery area.
"Thank you. I will look for you after I'm done" he said and walked away from the sink.
I turn and give a thumbs up before continuing.
* * *
It is 8pm and I was due to go home, when Reid calls me over in a fancy looking white dress.
Shes not happy from what I can tell as we walk over to where my first patient, Angela, was laying.
"Lin couldn't you get a C.T." She sighed.
"Uh no, I couldn't because of the radiation" the nurse I didnt like, responded.
"Im pregnant" Angela finally gave.
"Im sorry what is your name?" Reid asked the boy Angela was with.
"Mitchell" he responded softly.
"Mitchell can you get Angela some juice. Theres a little fridge down the hall. Thank you" Dr Reid said calmly.
"Ang, when was your last period?" I asked.
"Four or five months ago" she responded.
"Are you sure you didnt think you were pregnant. 'Cause here's what I think. I think you kinda knew' Dr Reid stated bluntly.
"I didnt want him to dump me" she said softly.
"Ok I can understand that. Im just gonna check you okay" Reid said softly now and gently pressed on her tummy.
"You feel like youre 20 or so weeks pregnant. Congratulations and a oby-gn will be over to check for sure" she said.
"Keep her over night and hook her up on a fetal monitor" I say to the annoying nurse.
Then Dr Reid pipes in, "And Dr Lin, try not to page me. Im going to get married".
Oh so shes a Dr....great.
She and I begin to leave to attend to our original duties but Lin says, Dr look beautiful".
"Thank you" she smiles and carries on.
"I wish the best" I smile as we walk together.
"Your sweet Shaneria, thank you" She says and gives me a hug.
I rub her back and then head back to grab my stuff and she goes with Dr Charlie Harris.
Id say today was a decent day.
Now it was time to relax in my cozy little house and chill with my Burmese mountain dog named; Lola.

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