Chapter 16- In The Moment

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Ho Ho Ho readers! Santa came and said this update should be early ;)

**Joel Goran P.O.V**

I had watched Shaneria go into the staff room from my spot for completing Sonja's discharge papers at the nurse station.
I had also watch Nate follow behind.
My grip on my pen, tightens profusely.

But its not long after, that he comes back out.
I set Sonja's file aside but keep my pen held inbetween my fingers as I walk towards him.
He walked over to the elevator and pressed the 'up' button.
Quickly it *dings* and opens.
He enters and the elevator doors start to close.
I jog after him and slide between the closing doors.
It was just him and I in this elevator.
"Hey man" I greet, as if nothing were wrong between us.
But in reality, I needed will-power not to lodge this pen in his windpipe.
"Hey" he solemnly replies and looks straight head at the closed steel doors.
"How's Blenco doing?" I ask, trying to make conversation before I hit him hard with my statement.
"That is not my information to give, mate" he replies, still not looking at me.
"Hmm" I hum and then look at the doors as well, with my hands behind my back.
I let a moment of silence pass between us before I state in a more serious tone,"You will leave Shaneria to me".
At this, he turns his head to look at me.
I look at him back.
"I cant do that" he replies and turns his full body to me.
I grasp my pen more tightly and then shove it into his chest cavity.
He bends forward in pain and takes in a sharp breath of air.
I keep my hand in place and then place my other on his back as I refuse to look at him.
"Wrong answer" I tell him.
The elevator *dings* to signal a level stop.
I push him back into the corner and he grasps the small pen end in his flesh and rips it out with a small shiver and drops it with pints of blood following.
He looks up at me, anger filled his eyes.
I give a small smirk.
The elevator doors open.
And I walk out as others walk in.

**Shaneria Blenco P.O.V**


My phone buzzes as I sit on the couch and pet my pup while flicking through the channels on tv.

Nate: sorry for being late...had a lil complication...
Shaneria: oh no! Is everything alright?!
Nate: yeah! Um...still good for tonight?
Shaneria: of course
Nate: can I nab ya now?
Shaneria: yes
Nate: see ya in 10⏳

I sneak away from sleeping Lola on the couch and make my way up the stairs to my room.
I failed to ask if I needed casual or fancy clothes but when in doudt, pick casual.
I dont bother to add more makeup because I didnt feel like looks should determine a relationship, as friends or more.

When my doorbell rings, I run past my sister and Tyler on the couch watching tv, and tell them my afternoon plan.
They dont object, they just smile and tell me to have a good time.
I open my front door to reveal my casual outfit; sweetheart jeans, a plum coloured blouse, long gold necklace with a feather, and my hair up in a messy bun with my bangs swept to the side.
Nate wore a navy blue long sleeve but had his sleeves rolled up to the bottom of his elbows, jeans and black Ralph boots.
Casual, just like I was.
"You look ravishing" he comments with a grin after giving me a good look from head to toe.
"Thanks. You look different with being out of scrubs" I note.
"Non the less handsome" he gloats.
"Dont flatter yourself too much" I wink.
He grins another before leading me to his vehicle.
"Its fixed" I exclaimed, remembering his accident about 2 months and a bit ago.
"Yes. Perks of having money; things happen quicker" he says and opens the passenger seat of his Volkswagen, for me to get in.
"Thank you" I say and sit down in the comfortable seat and pull on my seatbelt.
He gets in not too much later and starts the vehicle after getting his seatbelt on aswell.
He puts his arm around the back of my seat as he looks back as he reversed.
"Any restaurant preferences?" He asks me, still looking out of the back windshield.
"Is this a date by chance?" I say, trying to hold back a giggle.
"Maybe, why?" he smiles.
"I got to pick a nicer restaurant if it's a date" I reply.
He haults once pulled out of the driveway and looks at me in a gentle manner before continuing to drive, "Not at all, darling. Anywhere you want to go, I'll take you. Its only as special as we make it".
My heart beat calms at his words.
He didnt seem to be a guy who expected everything to be high class and that jazz.
He was calm, easy going, and a bit old fashioned....I like it.
"How about just a dinner at home" I suggest.
"My home?" He asks, to make sure he heard right.
"If that's okay" I say.
"Of course. What would you like?" He asked and gave me a quick glance before looking back at the road.
I shrug, "Im not picky".
"Nethier am I. Thats the problem. We need to narrow it down" he says, amusement playing on his face.
I bit my bottom lip in a thinking manner.
"How about taco salad, greek pasta, or...hmm.... homemade pizza?" I tell him.
He hums before responding, "It all sounds so good but I think there would be more fun in making pizza from scratch".
I smile to myself and he looks over to me, noticing how he could make me feel such a way, which makes him smile too.
But a sudden stench makes my smile slowly fade.
It smelt of copper and sourness.
My eyebrows furrow and I look in the back seat to where the smell was the strongest.
"Is something wrong, Shaneria?" Nate asks me, noticing my actions.
"I think I smell blood" I tell him.
Working in a hospital, I knew the smell of blood like no other. But I was worried that there was something in the back....or my senses were going wonky.
I looked still, trying to see with sudden exposure of light from the street lights we passed.
"Oh yes. I had an accident earlier. I think I told you" he responds.
I look to him and say, "you said you had a 'complication'..." I say, scared for the next words I think I may hear.
"Yeah, well I got blood on my scrubs" he tells me.
"How did you do that?" I continued, watching him intensely.
"Its no big deal, but I opened a deep abrasion on my chest from when I was in that car accident" he explained.
"Are you alright?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't be in discomfort this whole evening.
"Yeah, yeah" he chirps and gives a reassuring pat on my leg.
"Thanks though" he says, referring for my concern of his well-being.
But it was kinda my job.
I mean, I am a doctor.
I swallow thickly and just stare out my window, not knowing what to say.

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