Chapter 12-Ride Hard Or Go Home(1)

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Part 1

"Shaneria!" Dr Reid calls to me.
I look at her as I lean over the nurse's desk to grab a file of papers.
She rushes up to me, trying to control her excitement.
"What gives me the pleasure?" I ask, showing her my happiness in hers.
"Charlie! He moved!!" She squealed, grabbing my forearms and slightly jumping.
"Oh my gosh that's so good!" I say back, matching her preppy tone.
She wipes a tear from the corner of her eye and says, "He's coming back".
I give her a hug and rub her back.
"Sorry. I just had to tell you" She says after we break the hug.
"No, no, no. I'm glad you did, Alex. It's amazing" I tell her.
She smiles and nods before pointing to an elevator and explained to me, "I better go. Charlie is getting a brain stimulation. I'll tell you how it goes".
"You better" I reply back with a grin as I open the file I held.
She starts walking away and I just pull up a wheely chair to one corner of the station and pull out the blue pen in my lab coat pocket and click it.
* * *
I hear some people exit an examination room and an elderly man jokes, "now why isn't she my doctor".
I turn around, to see if I was the one he was speaking of.
"Roy, Esther, this is Dr Blenco" Dr Murphy, the psychiatrist, tells the elderly couple.
"You'll have to excuse my husband. Nothing brings him more to life than a pretty young girl" Esther explains.
"No problem. Nice to meet you both" I smile.
"You too" she replies.
Dr Murphy takes out his service card and says "hey, I almost forgot".
He writes his cell on the back and tells the older couple as he hands it to them, "My card. I put my cell phone number on the back. I'm never in my office".
"You don't have an office" I sing as I begin to look over my past patient files.
"Guess that's why" He grins and put his hand in his back pockets.
"I'd rather have her number" Roy grins again.
"Thanks, Dr Murphy. We are alright from here. Come on ,Romeo" Esther says before the two waddle off.
"Is it not against the rules to give your cell number to patients?" I jokingly remark, not making eye contact as I still read.
"Last time I checked, it wasn't against the rules to care" he says back with a small grin.
"Such a badass you are, Murphy" I giggle.
"Hush, hush" he says and then walks off.

Before I knew it, it was time for my first break.
I sat in the staff room at the table closest to the coffee machine.
I was actually pretty excited to eat my Greek pasta salad.
I scoop a bit into my mouth and chew while watching the coffee pot drip french vanilla flavored coffee.
The door opens and reveals Dr Murphy.
"Hello again, Shan" he chimes and grabs a mug from the cupboard above the sink.
"yo, Gav" I say and throw up the peace sign.
"Good mood, I see" he notes.
"Eh, got to make the best of things" I tell him.
He sits down across from me and sips from his steaming mug.
His phone then vibrates and he answers it with a; "hello?".
He listens for a few seconds and then says as he looks to me, "Mrs Goldback".
Again he listens and then rises.
My face contorts with worry.
"Can you bring him back in?" Gavin asks Esther.
I hear muffles of her voice and he tells her, "what about a taxi".
Again more of her muffled words I hear before Gavin says her name in worry.
He pressed his phone reluctantly.
"The alzheimers couple" he says to me and then looks to his phone again.
"He's freaking out and she wants me to come over I think" he continued and tried her number again.
"And you're still on shift" I say softly.
"Yeah I just can't cut out" he agrees and slowly walks about.
"She's not answering" he says and ends the call.
"What am I suppose to do?" He asks, unsure.
"I think you should go" I answer, honestly.
"And Drunkerman..." he says.
"Worry about him later" I say.
"You're right. Thank you" he replies and spins around to leave.
"Hey, hey. Where do you think you're going Murphy" I say to him before he leaves the room.
He turns to me confused.
"Without me?" I grin.
He relaxes his posture in relief that my words were not as bad as he thought.
"You know how much trouble we could get in?" He tells me.
I shrug, "it's not illegal to not care. Besides, We're on break".
I grab my tupperware and bring it with me as we walk together to the exit.
No way I'm missing lunch!

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