Chapter 6-The Great Randall

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~Shaneria Blenco P.O.V~

My usual shift was suppose to start already butttt Im a patient at the moment.
I lay at the foot of the bed, my feet up at the lifted head.
"What in the hell are you doing!" Alex walks in, amused and confused.
"Its not like Im gonna be comfy anyway in these damn prison beds" I remark and stare at the white ceiling, bored ot of my mind.
"Youre so weird" she giggles and comes next to my bed.
"Tell me something I dont know" I sigh and sit up properly.
She pushes me back on the bed and then lifts my gown.
Thankfully I wear underwear.
"How does it feel?" She asks and gently touches my stitches to make sure they're secure in my skin.
"The stitches are fine but the grounding down on my hip to remove the bullet makes me feel the after effects and I walk a bit like a frickin penguin" I groan.
She laughs at my reference and then use her stethoscope to check my heart manually.
She then puts two fingers at my wrist and watches the clock for 15 seconds before charting it.
"Move your right leg and wiggle your toes" she says and watches me obey.
I watch her write again.
"So I can get back to work?" I ask, hopefully.
I really wanted to be free of this room.
"Looks so. Take it easy, Dr Blenco" she smiles and then exits with my chart to the nurse station.
"Yes!" I say and pump my fist in the air.
My sister is getting discharged at noon, so I let her stay at my place for a while until I have a day where I can drive her home due to her truck being toast.
I jump out of bed and am immediately put into action.

I meet a blonde lady paramedic at the ambulance discharge and say, "Tell me the dets".
"35 year old male, going 50 km/h went through windshield about 30 minutes ago" she replies, pulling the man's stretcher.
"No airbags!?" I say, surprised.
She shook her head and continued, "G.C.S is 15. All vitals stable on scene".
I see a pole like object sticking in his abdomen.
"Is that rebar?" I ask.
"Yup" she says and crosses her arms as she sets him infront of me to study.
"Wow...let me guess: he hit the back of a truck carrying construction gack" I say, just eyeballing the protruding bar.
"Uh huh" she replies.
"Love it when I'm right. But I know he doesnt" I start and then continue, "did he get morphine?".
"None" she answered.
"Why is that?" I ask, concerned for his pain level with a bloody bar sticking out of him!
"We were worried about hypotension" she remarks.
"He should be screaming bloody murder. Why isn't he screaming?" I think outloud.
"Dont know" she answers.
"He should be in incredible intensifying pain....that is not normal" I state and watch the impaled man simply blink without a word.
I near the stretcher and ask, "How you doin?".
"I'm good" he speaks as if he isn't phased.
"You feeling any discomfort at all?" I ask.
"Nope" he pops the p.
"What is your name?" I ask.
"Uh, don't know" he answers.
I turn to the paramedic and say, "did he hit his head at all?".
"No" she answers, just as confused as I am.
"Alrighty then" I tell myself before turning to the man again, "Well, we will take great care of you".
I unfortunately have to grab Maggie's attention.
"Hey Lin. Let's make sure his airway is clear, we'll reassess his vitals, open his I.V. and slip in a catheter, get him x rays, and also do a chest and abdominal flat plate C.T." I say in one big breath.
She nods and walks up to the patient as I go fill in forms for the list of examinations this poor guy needs to get.

* * *
Examinations are done and he seems fine except for the fact of his impalement.
He is wheeled into the operating room and I watch him from the window infront of the sink.
Dr Reid comes by and looks at his chart.
"Mr Happy?" She asks.
"Supposively" I reply through my mouth mask.
"He has amnesia?" Reid asks.
"That's the theory. He doesn't feel any pain" I sigh and rinse my hands and up to my elbows.
"He has a piece of rebar sticking out of his chest " she replies, doubting the whole no pain thing.
"Exactly" I reply.
"He should be in agony" she continued and looked at him on the table.
"Uh huh" I sigh.
"I'm worried it might be temponading an artery. If we remove it,he could bleed out. Rib fractures front and back" She says as she looks at test results and the description of his injury on a paper in the clipboard she held.
"Should we page Dr Goran?" I ask.
"I got it" she assures and moves to let me enter the surgical room.

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