Sneak Peak C18

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*Sneak peak for chapter 18 update*

Shaneria Blenco POV

with the clipboard in my hands and a proud smile on my face, I head towards my sister's hospital room to check on her and her newborn baby.
I was so happy for her and Tyler, they deserve this joy.

when I get to her room, the window curtain is unusually drawn along with the door being shut tight.

I look around to see if anyone else noticed this or cares to explain.
with nothing from anybody, I claps the doorknob and turn it open slowly and push.

I drop my clipboard and pen....
I feel absolutely sick to my stomach and light headed.

Tyler has the side bar of my sister's bed, through his abdomen and is pinned to the wall 5 feet off the floor with his head lolled to the side and blood oozing out his lips with eyes wide open.
Daniére is on her back on the bed, staring straight out at the wall infront of her and holding the quiet child while her blood from her throat soaks her clothes, the child, and the bed sheets.

I cry out loudly and cup my hand over my trembling lips.
I rush over to the bed side and touch her forehead, "Dani!?".
"No, no, no!" I beg while getting a closer look at her slit throat.
I let out another mournful cry and place my shaky hand on her still warm cheek.
Two nurses rush in and gasp horrifically at the sight.
"oh my god!" the coloured one says loudly.
I take the baby in my arms, which covers my white lab coat in my sister's blood, and hand it to Sara.
"please make sure the baby is alright" I say, barely able to speak.
"of course" she assures and rushes out.
I dont know what to do next.
All I know is that my sister is dead.

My legs give out at the immense emotion I feel.
And I just so happen to slip out of this moment....

*Full Update coming soon*

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