Chapter 22-Need My Help?

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*Joel Goran POV*

Nurse Sara Reign was attacked yesterday afternoon.
She's in critical condition.
Extreme blood loss is her suffrage.

This is the first time in a decent being of time, that these attacks have occurred.
It was until Nate McCall appeared here in Toronto that things have started getting a bit more dangerous.
And Shaneria is paying the price.

"Nathaniel" I call out to the other orthopedic surgeon who is walking in the opposite direction of me, in the hall.
He spins on his heels and looks to me.
I usher him over and head into my office.

Once he entered the doorway, I grab him by the throat and held him against the wall.
"What gives mate!" He wheezes and holds my wrists.
"Ever since you came to Toronto, hell has been following you! People are dying and I know it is because you led him here!" I hiss as my eyes burn into his.
"What are you talking about" he lies.
My fingers around his throat, tighten.
I can feel him swallow.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" I growl in his face.
"Are you just upset that you are always the one to lose the girl" he rubs in.
I grasp his collar and toss him.

He hits my office chairs infront of the desk and breaks them.
I walk over to him angrily, moving half a chair out of my way in the process.
He grabs a pencil on the floor and jumps to his feet, stabbing me in the fleshy spot between my collarbone and neck.
I grunt in pain and fall to my knees from the pressure point he hit.
"Doesnt feel so nice, does it?... Also would you believe I got an acupuncture degree" he boosts and walks around me.
I rip out the led wrapped in wood and toss it away, feeling blood trickle out inbetwen my fingers pressed to the wound.
But I dont let him get away.
I throw the remains of a chair at his feet and he falls straight on his back.
I make my move over to him and pick him up by his shirt.
"If you stay you will end up getting her killed! Flee to another province and change your name again. Keep doing it until he cant keep track of Shaneria" I almost yell.
"We BOTH could kill her! Its not just me! And you and I both know that there is no stopping that crazy loon. He will hunt us all to the ends of the Earth. Besides, she's carrying my child. I NEED to be here" he admits.
I can feel my eyes darken and my teeth clench.
"Yours" I reply, barely able to even get the word out of my mouth without disgust.
"You're the father!" I roar.
I totally lose it and go to break his windpipe.
He catches my hand and twists it so its behind my back and he has total control now.
He then puts his foot against my back and pushes me away from him as he then makes a run for it.

*Shaneria Blenco POV*

1:30 pm
I sit on the couch as I rock the craddle with my foot.
Im so exhausted and not feeling well in both my mental and physical state.
It took me 2 hours to put Saba down for a nap, but I finally did it.

Sara keeps on my mind.
And so does my sister, Tyler, and Eve Guthery.
Its like a plague that never goes away, because it cant.
Its not a sickness, its a disease.

I put my hand on my growing stomach.
My baby is growing in there.
I smile at the thought of having a little me around.
But I quickly shake it away when I remind myself of the situation Im in.

The doorbell rings
I get up from the couch and walk to the front door.
I graps the cold doorknob and open the door.
It's Nate.
In his casual jeans, t-shirt, and brown jacket.
"How are you doing, Shaneria?" He asks me.
I shrug and reply, "living, I cant complain".
"Mind if I talk with you for a bit?" He asks and takes his hands out of his pocket.
I step aside.
He comes in, looking at me while doing so.
He probably thought my sudden attitude was a little off.
But who can be happy when you just dont have the energy to do so.

He gazes around the home as if he never came in before, then looks to me.
"Has morning sickness started?" He asks.
I shake my head and lean against the wall with my arms crossed.
His eyes furrow and he pockets his hands, "are you okay, darling?".
"Please...Im not in the mood. Say your piece and then..." I began but realised how rude I was sounding.
He came here with best intentions and I was being such a bitch.

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