Author's Note*Important*

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Hey fantabulous readers!
I want to thank you all for the reads and votes and comments!
It really makes me happy to know I have people who love this story...
And thats why I must apologise...
School has handed out ISU's (high credited assignments) and its gotten really busy for me along with work. So trying to juggle the two, plus home life is pretty damn hard.
I have to pause this story for a bit, maybe a few more days, a week or two but then I should be back on track and good to go!
Once again, thank y'all and hope to entertain ya soon xoxo

Comment what you would like to see happen next...
Maybe add a male character to rival against Joel?
Maybe have a girl going after Joel?
Maybe a death of Shaneria's sister?

*(If I like your idea: Ill add it and dedicate the next chapter to you)*

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