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I leaned against the car with a hiss, shifting my leg. I still haven't figured out how I was going to go along the battle field with my injury. I couldn't possibly just hop along and hope I don't get blasted apart...I guess I'll stick with an Autobot...somehow.

"I still got my NEST friends out there. I'll round them up, we'll find your girlfriend, we're gonna bring this guy in." I heard Epps say as him and Sam approached his car.

"Good luck with that..." I mutter, still pissed at Sam, before climbing into the backseat. I didn't see Sam roll his eyes but if I had I would've kick his face into the dirt.

"Why are you helping me?" Sam and his stupid questions everyone.

Oh wait, you already knew that.

"'Cause that asshole killed my friends, too." Epps responded strongly, glancing at him before getting into the car.

I frowned, buckling in. Friends. The Autobots were our friends, like family. I know I should've warned them, but if I had they would've only caused more trouble trying to keep the Autobots off the ship.


We have been driving for hours, barely any talking going between us. There wasn't much to say, what could we say? I was staring out the window, my elbow resting on my leg and my head on my fist. Sam and Epps were as silent as someone could get...I think we were all just trying to processing what's happened in the last twenty four hours whilst preparing for what was about to happen.

I sat straighter when we passed a house, a larger guy pointing toward us from the porch before getting into the truck. I continued to watch as the man pulled out behind us, spotting another man in the passenger seat.

I sighed as I turned to face the front again, leaning back in the seat with a small shake of my head.

We soon came across a motel where two more guys joined our growing train of vehicles. I was amazed that they'd all willingly risk their lives for the Autobots. They were part of NEST of course so they worked along side the Autobots once but still, nobody was forcing them to do this yet they were. I was extremely grateful for it too. For we would need all the help we could get.

I snapped back into the present when I heard Epps speak.

"We had a signal earlier. It's not working." He shook his head as we drove under a bridge.

I looked around Chicago in horror. I knew it was bad...very bad but...seeing it in person just made your heart stop. "Oh my god..." I felt my eyes sting with tears as I stared around the destruction. Cars on fire...buildings destroyed to nothing compared to what they once were. Ashes that were once people scattered along the people running for their lives down the road trying to escape what we were driving toward. I saw so many people grieving where they stood for the ones they lost and the city that was once striving with life.

"This is a national emergency broadcast. Chicago has suffered a massive attack." The radio announced while all we could do was stare at our surroundings in growing horror and shock as we drove down the road.

"Wrong way!"

"Get out of here!"

"Go back!"

Numerous shouts from frantic people were heard from Sam's open window as we drove past. I could only stare as I watched their efforts in trying to get us to turn even look at them. We couldn't turn back now. If only we could've stopped this from happening at all.

As we continued into the lifeless and destroyed city of Chicago I saw all of the Cybertronian ships flying through the sky. Power lines sparked and transformers exploded as we passed them. No wonder people hated the Cybertronians so much after this..even the ones that would've died instead of allowing this to happen. Nobody could completely come back after this.

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