Am I Seeing This?

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I was whistling with the birds in the surrounding trees as I walked in the pasture. I got home a few days ago with the twins and helped them get settled in before deciding that I needed to spend some time with Scruffy.

That's why I'm in the pasture, I'm walking while watching Scruffy run from bush to bush and smell everything. "Scruffy! Lets go!" I call him as he gets too far away for my liking.

I heard his collar tags jingle as he came running to where I was. When he was finally by my side I smiled but laughed when he ran ahead of me again. I watched as he ran to another bush and practically buried himself inside it and shook my head.

When we got back Will told me that Director Mearing wanted to talk to me but I just rolled my eyes and told him, 'I'll get to it when I feel like it'. What? I don't want to mess with Charlotte right now.

Everyone at base was amazed that we found Sunny but welcomed him to the family, not just the team, with open servos. Sideswipe told me he owed me, I just shook my head and patted his hood.

I continued to walk and think until I head Scruffy suddenly start to bark. I looked up to see him barking at a tree or something. There was a lot of greenery where he was at. "Scruffy?" I call to him. Nothing. He just keeps barking. I walk to where he was at but suddenly stopped and stared at what was in front of me.

Never. Never did I think there were more of them. The instant I saw it I wanted to run while thinking one thing. Ravage. Then I remembered that Bee killed him in Egypt. Then there was the optic, it was blue, not red.

"Scruffy!" I call again while staring at the cat-bot as it stares back at me. "Lets go!" Don't judge me! If you suddenly saw a huge robot cat not yards away from you don't tell me you wouldn't try and put distance between you and it.

Scruffy kept barking and walking towards it, why don't dogs listen to you at crucial times like these?! I couldn't leave him with it. I sighed and slowly took a step forward watching the cat closely. I took a few more when it didn't do anything and watched it tilt it's head at me. "Scruffy?" I watch as he walks toward the cat. "Don't." I whisper staring at him. I watched as he walked forward trying to smell the robot. "Scruffy!" I call at his sharply.

He stood and looks back at me before at the cat again. I looked also to find it watching Scruffy. "Please don't eat him." I tell it as I walk forward slowly again. As I got closer the cat looked up at me and sat down. I stopped walking confused.

Why wasn't it trying to hurt me? I mean, it's optics are blue but that didn't mean it was an Autobot. Sentinel Prime has blue optics but look where that got us. Yeah.

I walked forward and briskly picked Scruffy up before turning tail and started to literally sprint run to the house. As I got closer I looked behind me to find the bot trotting behind me.

"No, no, no , no. I do not need a pet robot." I called to it before continuing the rest of the way to the house. I could hear its metal clanging together as it started to run after me.

I ran the corner of the house to see Ironhide's alt-mode. "'Hide!" I yelled before climbing the tailgate and falling into the truck bed. I put Scruffy down just as I heard the front door of the house open followed by intakes of breath.

I peeked over the side of the truck bed to see Will and Ironhide's holoform staring at the end of the truck. I felt the truck shift, but I knew Ironhide wouldn't take the chance of hurting me by transforming. I was guessing the cat was at the end of the truck. I crawled to the tailgate slowly and cautiously before looking over it only to be met with a huge blue optic staring back at me. I screamed in shock falling back into the truck. I heard the robot squeal before hearing metal clanging becoming distant, I looked up in time to see the end of it tail disappearing into the trees around the farm.

Everything was sent until....

"Oh my Primus!"

"What in the world?!"

"I don't know!"

A/N: Short! I know, but I wanted you guys to meet my new OC, but I can't take all of the credit, @TheFangirlSituation helped me with the name. Thank you, Hannah!

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