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At 6:30am I found myself sitting outside, my good leg bent and held against my chest tightly. My heart was beating like the helicopters I heard in the distance. Fast...loud.

Sam wasn't going to forgive me....he's going to hate me. I couldn't tell him that they were okay...he wouldn't believe me.


I looked up when I heard the ship start to take off, my heart picking up pace. I looked up toward the sky....searching. I didn't even warn the Autobots but I didn't need to. They knew.
It was so loud...the takeoff. I wanted to scream...I wanted to clap like those people inside....I wanted to punch Sam...just because. I wanted to cry.

But I didn't. I couldn't. I had shit to do and crying wasn't going to get me anywhere.

"You wanted an answer. You got one." I looked up at Sam when I heard him speak. Dylan. I immediately looked up toward the sky, bracing myself. .

"Sure of what?"

Here we go....

"We're tracking an incoming object." I heard the words fainting from inside. The loud speaker....well loud.


I watched in horror, leaping to my feet without thinking and falling back down harshly with a yelp when my knee buckled.

You think you're planned for something but really you aren't. You aren't ready to watch what you expected. I've seen it more times than I can count but seeing it in person just hits you. I know they're okay...I know but my mind doesn't process that as I watch the ship explode midair.
Sam, beside me, is frozen as he watches the same thing. Unbelieving.

I could hear Sam grunting in pain when the WatchCon stung or bit him again. I couldn't look, I was still watching the flaming pieces of the ship falling until they slammed into the ocean below them.

"What...the hell?!" Sam suddenly screamed at me. "Who's side are you on?! Is this a game to you?" He growled, clenching his fists tightly, his face turning red from his anger.

I looked up at him, slowly standing again but keeping most of my weight off my bad leg. "Listen to me-"

"Listen to you? Listen to you?!" He shouted before pointing angrily toward the ocean. "The Autobots are DEAD and you want me to listen to you?!"

"Sam, stop-"

"No you stop!" He pointed at me, stepping closer to me. "You could've saved them but you didn't, just like you didn't save Optimus before we went to Egypt."

"He's alive isn't he?!" I shouted back. Oops...wrong thing to say.

"NOT ANYMORE!" He shouted loudly. "Just stay away from this, Ellie. At least I'm trying to help unlike you." He turned around, climbing off the building we were on.

I watched him and before sighing heavily, starting to struggle down the building myself. He'll regret being an asshole when Optimus shows up again in Chicago.


"I need your help to track a phone call. There's a man on this phone. He's the head of their human operations and he has Carly hostage." Sam told Simmons and Dutch when they appeared by the gates. I was leaning heavily against the wall beside a guard, watching them. I really need some crutches or battle wasn't going to happen. I'll get shot the second I'm seen. Sam was ignoring me too, wouldn't even glance at me.

I watched them walk inside, hopping after them lamely. Excuse me, one legged kangaroo coming through.

I stayed a bit behind them as Dutch started tracking the phone owned by Dylan. I knew where he was but Sam told me to stay out of it so....I stayed out of it.

Finally Dutch found him.

"The call was placed en route. I'm hacking into the phone's camera now. There, that's it." He pointed at a live camera feed. "That's a live stream from the camera. Someplace, right, hold on, I can triangulate this." He typed a bit more. "Okay, it's Chicago cell sites. There, I've got it. Trump Tower, Chicago. Lower penthouse."

I watched Sam looked up the building on his own phone. "I'm going." He announced.

"You sure?" Simmons asked him.

"She's done nothing but try to help me, and I can be there in 15 hours." Sam told him.

"You're not going alone." A voice spoke from the entrance of the building. I looked over with everyone else and found Epps standing there.

"I'm going too." I spoke up.

"Why? So you can watch us die too?" Sam shot at me.

"Shut the hell up, Sam! Go on, run your mouth like you know everything but when the truth shows itself, I don't want to hear shit from you." I growled, hopping toward the exit. "I'm going. Whether you like it or not."


There you go! I know it's shorter. I was cut off from updating more. I'm hoping to continue it soon. Thank you for the patience! I really appreciate it. ^-^

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