Space Mission

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A few hours later I came back to base but didn't talk to anybody. I knew Optimus and Ratchet were already gone and I didn't like it. William and Epps tried to ask me what was wrong but I just shook my head at them.

Now that I think about it...I should've told them about Sentinel...

"Xantium approaching Tranquility Base." I heard from the radio as I sit under the railing on the top floor of base. I rested my forehead on the bar and closed my eyes.

"You're a go for landing." An officer informed them.

"Did he get that mag-cam out? ... Inbound. Copy, contact."

We waited for a few more seconds before we heard Optimus again.

"We're entering the Ark."

It was silent but I could hear some noises but couldn't identify them.

"His levels are faint. He locked himself away to guard the pillars." We heard Ratchet. Pillars....if I had a choice and if I could get away with it I would destroy them all. I looked at the rocket launchers on the wall and smirk.

"Yeah...I wish."

"Sentinel. You're coming home, old friend." Optimus announced.

I banged my head on the pole several times. "Why am I letting this happen?" I asked myself.

I felt a presence beside me and looked to see Will and Epps sitting down.

"Guys...not right now.."

"We just want to know what's wrong. What's going on?" Epps asked me.

I sighed. "I might as well tell you, huh?" I watched the soldiers and Autobots below us before speaking. "Sentinel Prime is going to ruin everything. I mean everything." I inform them.

Will and Epps exchange looks. "Then why haven't you stopped it from happening?" Will asked me.

"What am I supposed to do? Walk up to Optimus and say. 'Hey, Optimus, you remember your mentor Sentinel Prime? Yeah, don't save him because he's with the Decepticons now." I rested my forehead against the railing again. "He wouldn't have believed me."

It was silent for a few minutes before Epps shook his head. "So basically we're bringing a Decepticon into base?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Anything we need to be careful of?" William asked.

"I'm thinking about letting everything happen....but, I am going to find a way to help Ironhide even if I have to use a rocket launcher." I smirked at the thought.

"Ironhide?" Will asked. I looked down to see 'Hide glance at us from beside Que. I smiled at him before looking at Will.

"I'll figure something out, I promise."

Before we could say anything we heard Optimus over the radio. "We're entering the atmosphere." I nodded and stood up, waiting with Epps and Will beside me.


We watched Optimus and Ratchet set Sentinel on the berth that they set up in the main hangar. I couldn't help but glare at him as Optimus finished setting everything up.

I looked out the hangar door to see that it was dark out already. I shrugged it off when my eyes widened. "Oh man!" I took off down the steps.

"Ellie?! Where are you going?" I heard pounding feet behind me.

"I'll be back! Bumblebee! I know for sure you didn't go back to see Sam so get ready!" I shouted at him as I dodged huge metal feet and soldiers while running outside.

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