Chapter Eight : The Chicken Dance

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49 weeks before Mesi woke up...

I tossed and turned in the middle of the night before finally waking up in a cold sweat. I was panting, knowing that I'd just returned from a nightmare but only vaguely remembering what happened to me there. Mesi was there, and Xander. They were yelling at me about something. I'd done something to make them both hate me. I woke up hating myself for whatever I'd done in my dream world.

My eyes landed on my phone that sat charging on the night stand next to my bed. I grabbed it and opened my texts to Mesi. We'd left off right before I fell asleep, talking about...waffles? She and I got into some pretty random conversations, but that's what made talking to her so effortless. We could talk about leeks and they would be like the latest TV drama to us. It really didn't matter what she was talking about—what mattered was they way she said it and how she looked saying it. I could spend hours just watching her rant about how this YouTube ship needs to happen, or how the guys from 5 Seconds of Summer were so hot. I was even offended or bothered that she was talking about guys that weren't me like that. All I cared about was the way her lips moved when she formed my name and the way her eyes lit up when she was passionate about something. It was the most beautiful thing in the world.

To: Mesi

U awake?

I felt like I needed to talk to someone, and since I was already thinking about her, she seemed like the obvious choice. Plus, Mesi was always up late, really late and  was always willing to talk.

From: Mesi

Yeah, what's up?

I smiled, she'd come through yet again. I knew I could always count on Mesi for the little things like two a.m. texting after a nightmare.

To: Mesi

Bad dream.

Seconds later,

From: Mesi

Aww :( What about?

To: Mesi

You and Xander. You guys hated me.

From: Mesi

That could never happen!

To: Mesi

Thanks. I was starting 2 get worried 4 a sec

From: Mesi

Well, you've got nothing to worry about! I'll never hate you, Sam. That's a promise.

I couldn't resist it.

To: Mesi

Pinky promise?

From: Mesi

Pinky promise :)

I shut off my phone and fell back onto my pillow. I didn't deserve a girl like Mesi. She was gorgeous and smart and the nicest person I knew, other than Xander. But he always tried to hide how much he cared about people, I didn't get it. Sometimes it seemed like he was worlds away from the rest of us, and it scared me. I wanted him to tell me everything that was bothering him, but I sort of knew he never would.

Slowly but surely, I fell back to sleep. Only to wake up four hours later to my alarm clock blasting "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers. It was one of my favorite songs, but I wasn't loving it so much at 6 a.m.

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