Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 8

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I giggled as I packed all of my kunai into my pouch. Tonight’s gonna be interesting. A full moon, nobody around to watch, a full supply of chakra.


As I strolled down the dark streets of Konaha I felt like I was the only one in the world. Not a single light was on in a house and nobody was out. It even seemed like the local drunks had taken a break of being totally waisted and had gone home to their families for the night.

The streets were lined with lit street lamps that showed off the streets true beauty. I smiled to myself as the thought of only me being able to witness this side of the leaf villages commonly busy streets,

“I’m so glad that I’m home.” I whispered as I continued my journey to the training field.


I took in a deep breath and stared intently at the large lake in front of me. I smiled slightly at the memories that were made here,

“YOUR LATE KAKA-“ Naruto and Sakura had stopped yelling when they realised Kakashi and I weren’t gonna stop running, I screamed and ran to the lake. Kakashi had stopped running and didn’t move when I had held his porno books over the water, he shook his head, tears forming in his eyes,

“No! You’re not that mean! I swear if you do it I’ll disown you!” I had grinned evilly,

“Start the lesson and I won’t drop them.” He nodded quickly, and I slowly placed them onto the ground, which made him sigh in relief. He then gave me a death stare that I had shrugged off-

I shook my head to snap myself out of it, though it was a memory I didn’t mind having. It amused me really.

I closed my eyes and decided to concentrate on the task at hand. I slowly raised my arms out in front of me, I opened my eyes slowly and stared at the water with intense consentration,

“Kori no chokoku-jutsu!” I yelled into the crisp night air. My fingertips glowed a dull white and I closed my eyes when the feeling of pure bliss rolled over me. I basked in the feeling for a few short seconds before it faded and I realised what I was supposed to be doing.

I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw that the whole lake had turned to solid ice,

“If I could do this to a lake.. imagine what I could do to a person!” I thought out loud. I grimaced when I started to doubt the jutsu. Wouldn’t it be cruel to put someone through this?

I sighed and shook my head,

You’ve fed sound ninja to bears and other wildlife. Why would you think of this as cruel? After all, you can just unfreeze them if you wanted to.

I bit my lip as I started to doubt myself. I raised my arms once more,

“Reverse!” I shouted out loud. The ice quickly disappeared to leave a peaceful lake in its place. I slowly approached the lake and kneeled down, I leaned over the edge and looked at my own reflection. Long, silver hair with matching blue eyes. Pale skin with pink lips. I leaned over a little more, completely trusting my balance and capability to react if I shall fall into the water.

Well, that’s something I should never think again.

While I was leaning over the edge, my hand slipped in a patch of mud. I squealed as I toppled face first into the freezing cold water. Well, what would you expect?! The whole body of water was just turning to ice! You wouldn’t think that it’d be bath temperature now would you?

I failed around when I reached the surface. I put my hand up and waved it about as I sunk once again,

“AHH!!! HEEELLLPPP!!” I squealed. I paused when I realised something. I can walk on water. I cursed rather loudly and hauled myself up onto the water. I laid their panting for a while, watching the clouds roll past as I did so. It wasn’t until I noticed my teeth chattering and my limbs shaking uncontrollably did I realise that I was still laying on a freezing cold lake. I got up as fast as I could and ran for dry land,

“I! Am! A! Idiot!” I gasped as I finally made it onto dry land. I blew into my hands and rubbed my shoulders as my freezing, wet clothes stuck to my body. I growled as I realised that I was going to have to strip. I sighed and got ready to take my top off,

“Thank the heavens nobodies around.” I silently murmured to myself. And then I proceeded to undress.


I looked up at the moon while only in my underwear. Luckily it was only 1am so nobody should be up for a while. I smiled when I saw all the beautiful stars in the sky, it was a warm night so my body heat had returned to normal pretty fast. To make matters even better, that meant that my clothes shouldn’t take too long to dry either.

I grinned and giggled, even though I’m half naked and in the middle of a field, it’s kind of fun.

I froze when I heard the tiniest twig snap in the bushes beside me. I slowly turned my head and my eyes twitched,

I’m being…. Watched…

“PERVERT!!!” I shouted as I sprung up and ran for the nearest tree to hide behind. I gasped as someone grabbed me by my waist and hauled me over their shoulder. I screamed and kicked at their chest, thinking it was Naruto I reacted with mild violence,

“I swear! If you don’t-“ I paused when I saw the outfit. Black cloak with red clouds. All the blood drained from my face, “Akat- Akatsuki…”

“Hey Kakuzu-sama, I thought this little brat was supposed to be an A class ninja.” I gritted my teeth when I felt the man’s hand on my bare back, he didn’t mean anything by it (I hope) but his hand was still a little far down for my liking. I heard the leaves on the bushes rustle and agruff voice reply,

“She is Hidan baka, didn’t you see the jutsu she preformed earlier?” My jaw dropped, they were there the whole damn time?!

“Hn, she still seems like a weakling. Look, she’s not even struggling!” Hidan, I guessed, muttered. I growled and moved my leg so I could knee him in the face. He grunted and grabbed hold of my bare legs,

“Nice try but no, that won’t work on me you idiot.”

“Hey!” I exclaimed, feeling rather offended by the criminals comment, “I’m not an idiot!” Hidan snorted and turned to look at me,

“If your not an idiot then how come you didn’t sense us following you all the way from your house to here then? Hm?” I hesitated,

“I’m having an off day. How ‘bout we try again tomorrow night?” Hidan rolled his eyes and turned forward again,

“You wish.”

“Hidan?” Kakuzu asked,


“I think we should let her get dressed.” Hidan cocked his head to the side in confusion, I, on the other hand, flushed a bright shade of red,

“What do you- Ohhhhh!” Hidan exclaimed after realising I was half naked, “But I don’t wanna!” He complained, “It’ll give me entertainment on the way back.”

“How so?” Kakuzu asked. I squealed as I felt something wet slide across my outer thigh,

“YOU BLOODY PERV!! LET ME DOWN SO I BEAT YOU INTO THE EARTH AND THEN BLOW YOU UP AND BURN THE DUST-“ My threats continued as I flailed around franticly. Hidan just laughed,

“See? This is what I was talking about!” Kakuzu just shook his head and sighed,

“Idiots…” He muttered as he turned away.

As Hidan carried me away i was contemplating using the jutsu,

No, I thought, They haven't done anything THAT bad yet.

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