Chapter 32 - Tear in my heart.

Start from the beginning

Looking at her, Tori thought about it. "Maybe..." Tori looked at Spencer. "Well we are at their show..." Spencer nodded. "No. The guys...5sos" Tori told her. "Oohh" Spencer caught on. "Hm." Hanna shrugged. "Oh well. That us?" She asked. "Yah come on!" Tori dived out the bathroom. They headed upstairs, and looked around as they walked into the hall. It was dimmed down with some lights to make the place a little brighter to see.

"There they are" Spencer pointed down near the front of the block. "Near the front of the balcony! Sweet!" Tori grinned as she passed people. "Excuse me" Hanna asked, moving in between people. "Hey! Hanna needed the bathroom" Tori sighed as she walked beside Michael. "Cool, they'll be coming on soon!" He grinned at her. "Thanks for this Mikey" Tori smiled and nudged him. "I don't mind, your welcome" He nodded at her with warm smile.

Tori sighed and turned her head to where the guys stood. Luke more to the end of the balcony talking to someone. A girl. "Who's the chick?" Spencer nudged Tori, and eyed up Luke. "I don't know" She shrugged. "Don't know what?" Michael asked. "Friend of Luke's?" Tori asked smiling. "Oh um. No need to worry." Michael shook his head, and looked the other way. Tori narrowed her eyes, as she looked at Michael before turning to Spencer.

"I know!" Hanna grinned, with gossip dollar signs in her eyes. "Who?" Spencer asked. "That's the ' chick ' he was seen hanging around with! The one he told me to shut my mouth about because I didn't know shit" Tori laughed. "Girls...don't" Michael turned his head and shook it looking at the girls. "Why? Whats the goss?" Hanna smiled widely. "No goss..just leave it" He sighed. The girls looked at each other and Spencer shook her head. "Leave it..." Spencer nodded. "She's supposed to be bad. I want to know whats shes like" Hanna told them. "Leave it. Stay here, and try and have fun!" Spencer warned her.

"Is everything okay?" Tori tapped Michael shoulder. "Yeah, just...I try to keep out if his business. I don't want to get involved in his drama" He told her wide eyed. "Its okay..." Tori told him, as she rested her hand on his shoulder. "This will be sick!" He told her smiling, looking at her. "I know." She nodded. "Hey...another concert, when we're happy..." He chuckled. "Yeah. Exactly" She told him positively. Just then the lights went down, and people started cheering and screaming.

"Oh jeez!" Hanna gasped. Laughing Tori turned to Michael and they laughed before cheering and waving their hands. The stage lit up as Josh appeared on the drums, banging a beat as the lights started flashing. "Woooo!" Tori cheered as she laughed.

As the guys played their set list, Tori had an awesome time. Cheering, and singing along. Trying to rap along too which she was surprised she could do. Must be all the listening she does to their songs. She danced, and cheered with Michael and even Spencer joined in. Hanna was okay too, she seemed to enjoy herself but she wasn't ecstatic about it.

" Can you save, can you save my, save my, can you save my heavy dirty soul? "

Tori sung along, before the lights went out from the stage and music stopped. Cheers and screamed submerged her ears, and claps from all the people in the hall. As the crowed quietened down, Tori looked down at the stage before looking at Michael. She sighed, and smiled as she waited for them to appear again. Soon the spotlight went on to Tyler, as he sat at the piano. Soon the beat started, with Josh on the drums and the lights flashed and Tori automatically knew which song it was.

" Sometimes you gotta bleed to know!...that your alive and have a soul...but it takes someone to come around, so show you how, shes the tear in my heart...! "

Tyler sung and Tori cheered as she sung along.

" You fell asleep in my car I drove the whole time, but that's okay I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine. I'm driving here I sit, cursing my government for not using my taxes to fill the holes with more cement! "

Broken Pieces (M.C Fanfic) {Sequel to 'Rebellious Love'}Where stories live. Discover now