Satan's Spawn Returns

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"Okay, so hey guys! It's MLA, here, and today we're doing a Q&A," Atta opens the video.
"By the way if you see people in the background, it's the Janoskians," Lana adds.

"First question: what do you miss the most about Canada?" Lex reads aloud.

"I think I miss the language, because my accent stands out more here," Lana answers.

"I miss the familiarity, because this all new for us. I mean we have Target again," Lex answers.

"Timmys," Atta answers simply," and poutine."

Lana laughs," Next, Lex, how is it dating, Jai?"

Lex blushes slightly," Well, I mean, it's really great. It's my first relationship, so it's all new. But, I really like it," Jai presses a kiss to Lex's cheek, causing her cheeks to turn crimson.

"Lana, can we have a bad joke?" Atta reads off her phone.

"I need Luke for this one," Lana calls him over, and stands.

"So, as you can all see, Luke's shirt says,' My life is like a movie'. Well, Luke, your life is Luke a movie," Lana laughs at her joke.

Luke shakes his head and leaves," Atta, what's your ethnicity?" Lex reads off.

"A lot of people ask me this, as my brother has an Irish accent. Well, we have no, if very little, Irish blood in us. Our dad, was Quebecer, and our mom was Portugues."

"Lex, what's your natural hair colour?" Atta asks.

"It's dark brown, I've just had it red, ever since I was 15."

"Lana, do you have any plans of getting a tattoo?" Lex asks.

"Maybe, in the future, but not right now."

"Well, that's pretty much it.  Check out, Lana's newest video, Lex and Jai doing some mushy couple challenge, and my newest BookTube video, and get my book, if you'd like, buh bye," Atta stops the video.

"I have to go out and get a few things from the mall," Atta tells the group of lounging people.

Lex looks down at her phone sadly. Lana notices her twitter page, and narrows her eyes. She turns off the phone," We'll come," she pulls Lex up, and the boys follow.

"I have to get these new book, to make reviews, and I need to get Neal's birthday present,"Atta tells them as they walk into the mall.

"Hey guys, so, I'm vlogging, 'cause I feel like it," Beau says, to the camera.

Jai leans down and kisses Lex on the lips, hard, directly in front of the camera," Ugh, gross," Beau says. Jai pulls away and Lex blushes.

"Daniel, why you wear uggs, I still can't figure it out," Atta tells him.

"Why you wear men shirts two sizes too big, I still can't figure out," Daniel counters.

Atta sticks her tongue out," Wow, real mature, Atta," Beau calls.

"At least, I'm not the one who throws up after going in ice water," Atta doesn't even turn back around. A series of "Oooohhhhhs," follows.

"When I got it, I got it," Atta says, before tripping over her foot.

"You're so clumsy," Lana states.

"I know," Atta pulls herself up. They head to the bookstore. Atta pulls out a list,"That's a long a** list," James looks at the piece of paper. Atta ignores him, instead, walking with purpose," A wild Atta, in her environment," Lex jokes.

"Haha," Atta, picks out the books she needs, and sets them in her basket.

"Oh my gosh, you're Atta De'Lile," A boy and a girl run up to Atta.

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