Chapter 30- Explanation and revelations

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First of all, I would like to thank all of you guys for 1.78k views. I honestly can't even explain the kind of joy I am feeling. When I first started writing my story, only 3 people used to comment and vote. Now I have so many people who vote and comment on my story. Thank you all once again. And also, this story with come to an end in about 6-10 chapters.
Priyanka's POV:

All Ranveer and I had to do now was to break the news to my parents. I knew that it would be hard for them, considering that we lied about pretty much everything, but I was determined to convince them.

Ranveer also had to talk to his parents. He had once told me that his parents were very supportive and would be on board with our relationship. So now, the only problem was to convince my parents.

I sat in the car and closed the door. Ranveer reversed the car and we began driving home. Raj was following us close behind in his own car. He had said that it was his responsibility to explain why he had called of the wedding.

As soon as we got home, my parents asked me about the date.

"Aunty, Uncle, I have something to say to the both of you. I don't want to marry Priyanka. I feel that it is too early for me to get married as I am only 24. I hope you guys can forgive me." Raj said while looking down.

My red-rimmed eyes added the perfect touch of sadness. It showed that Raj had already told me, and I was heart-broken about the news.

"What? How can you do this? Who will marry Priyanka now?" Mom yelled angrily.

I knew that she just wanted me out of the house. I didn't really care, but somewhere, it still kind of hurt.

"I will marry her!" Ranveer said loudly gaining the attention of my parents.

"What the... No way!" Mom yelled while walking over to him.

"I will marry her to save this family's dignity. You all have been very kind to me by letting me stay at your house. Also, Priyanka is also a close friend of my sister's. I would like to marry her as a token of thanks." Ranveer finished looking directly at my mom.

"Ranveer, how can we ever repay you. Your kindness shows that there is still some humanity left in the world. Thank you so much for thinking about this family. I am pleased to have you join our family." Dad said while pushing mom out of the way and placing a hand on Ranveer's cheek.

"Welcome to the family." Dad said hugging Ranveer.

I looked at Ranveer looking at me over Dad's shoulder and smiled. He smiled and winked at me. I looked at Raj and he gave me a thumbs-up sign and left.

"I still don't accept him as Priyanka's to-be-husband." Mom said stubbornly with fire in her eyes.

"I accept him Shalini, and I expect you to do the same." Dad said warningly.

Mom huffed and walked up the stairs to her room. I could tell that she was angry at the turn of events.

"Priyanka beta (child), I have to talk to you and Ranveer. Come to the study with me." Dad said as he led the way to the study.

I glanced at Ranveer and saw that he was also giving me a tensed look. We went into the study and sat on the chairs across from Dad.

"Priyanka do you remember your mom?" Dad asked looking at me.

My head shot up at the question. Since I was very little, I had been told that Mom had left Dad. Then Dad had re-married and Shalini Mom had come in my life.

"No." I answered.

"Priyanka, today I will tell you something which might shock, surprise and hurt you a lot. Beta (child) your mom had not ran away. She is alive and in Delhi. And so are your younger brother and sister Shanaya and Varun, and your older brother Karan." Dad said and I stopped breathing.

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