Chapter 29- Marriage is cancelled!

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Ranveer's POV:

Today, Raj had asked Priyanka out on a date. I was furious. Did he not understand that she belonged to me?

Anyways, I had asked Priyanka to text me if anything major happened. I just wanted her to be safe.

I walked into my room and noticed Priyanka sitting on my bed eating an apple.

"Ranveer where were you? I was waiting for you." She said with a pout.

"I was just outside, in the hallway. Thinking about something." I said dejectedly.

"Hey, it'll all be fine. I'll talk to Raj. Okay?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Okay." I said giving her a smile back.

Priyanka's POV:

Ranveer was upset. I could easily see through his fake smile. I knew that he was scared to loose me. Somewhere, I was also scared to lose him. But I wanted to remain strong. Not only for me, but for him as well.

I got off the bed and headed towards the door.

"I'll go get ready. Will you drive me to the cafe?" I asked Ranveer in order to cheer him up.

"Ya okay." He said smiling.

I skipped to my room and threw open my closet door. I choose a blue and white dress that came to about my knees. After I was changed into that, I quickly straightened my hair and applied light make up. When I was done, I went downstairs.

Ranveer and my dad were sitting on the couch watching television.

"Ranveer? Let's go." I said walking over to them.

Ranveer immediately stood up and went to the door. I took ashirwaad (blessings) from my dad and headed out behind him.

We walked over to the car and Ranveer opened the door for me. I sat in and waited for him to also sit on from his side. As soon as he sat in, he started the car and we were off to the cafe where Raj and I were supposed to meet up.

15 minutes later, we reached. I quickly kissed Ranveer on the cheek and stepped out of the car. I walked to the door and immediately, the delicious smell of coffee hit me.

I walked over to the table where Raj was waiting for me. He stood up as soon as he saw me. He came around the table and pulled out a chair for me.

"Thank you." I said as I took a seat.

Raj went back to seat and called a waiter over.

"What would you like to have sir, ma'am?" The waiter asked us.

"I would like to have an iced tea. Thank you." I said.

"I would like the same." Raj said.

After the waiter left to go get our orders, Raj turned around to look at me.

"Priyanka, you are not happy about this marriage, right?" Raj asked.

I looked into his eyes and nodded.

"You like the guy who was with you yesturday, right?"

Again, I only nodded.

"Priyanka, I have decided to say no to this marriage. I want you to be happy, and if that guy can give you happiness, so be it." Raj said while looking down.

"Ranveer, his name is Ranveer. Yes Raj, I truly do love Ranveer. We go to the same university. He came with me just so he could help convince my parents to say no to this marriage. He even came with me today. He is waiting outside in the car. I know that Ranveer also loves me just as much. Raj, I extremely sorry for breaking your heart but I know that no one would keep me as happy as I would be with Ranveer." I said feeling guilty.

"Hey, hey, don't be sorry. It's not your fault that you fell in love with someone. Love works in mysterious ways. We can't control who we love. I'm happy that you are happy with Ranveer." Raj said smiling.

"Thank you so much Raj!" I said while standing up from my chair.

Without even drinking my iced tea, I ran outside to the car. Ranveer was sitting on the bonnet, drumming a tune.

"Ranveer! Raj said no to this marriage! Now we can get married. He said that he understands that I love you!" I said as I hugged Ranveer.

Ranveer lifted me off the ground while spinning me around. This was how I imagined my life to be. Happy. This was my world; my safe haven.

Arjun Kapoor as Raj

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