Chapter 18- Depressed

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The words in slanted printing are Priyanka's subconscious.
Priyanka's POV:

I walked over to my car in a dazed state. I was in an utter state of confusion. My mind couldn't register what Ranveer had told me.

Ranveer loves me?!? My subconscious asked me.

No! He loves us. I know it's surprising but...

Oh please! You knew that from the start. Admit it. You also love him back.

No I don't. I can't. If dad got to learn about all this, he would drag me back home where I would have to work as a slave.

Oh, so you do love him but you you are scared of your family.

I don't know. I am so confused. I know that we are much more than just friends but I don't know what more we can be.

It's ok. Take your time. But remember that you do love him. Whether you admit it or not. Don't do something so ridiculous that you end up losing him.
Ok whatever. I know what I am doing.


After I reached home from the university, I went over to my room and sat on my windowsill. Who knew that just a few days in Calcutta would change my entire life. Sure I cared a lot for Ranveer, but did I truly love him? How would I know if I fell in love with? Is there a switch in my brain that would turn on when I fell in love?

I massaged my tired eyes and laid on my bed falling into a restless sleep.


"NO!" I screamed jumping up in bed. I had just had the worst dream ever. My step-mom had Ranveer taken to an abandoned house and killed him when she got to know about our relationship.
I had to make sure he was fine. I bolted out of my room in just a tank top and sweatpants. I sat in my car and drove off to the university. I knew that Naina and Kabir would still be there for their new play that would be starting today at 7. Hopefully Ranveer would still be there. I cried as I drove to my destination. I was worried about Ranveer's safety. My dream just proved that my family could not know about Ranveer loving me. Now I just had to make sure he was fine.

As soon as I parked the car, I ran into the university. I wildly looked through the hallways hoping to see him. I was just about to run into the drama room when I heard someone calling me.

I turned around to see Ranveer looking at me with a confused look on his face. Without missing a beat, I ran towards him and jumped into his arms. He just stood still not moving while I cried into his shoulder. Just the thought of him leaving me made my heart clench.

I felt Ranveer slowly hugging me back. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until Ranveer pulled apart and cupped my face.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" He asked with concern evident in his voice. I just continued to cry.

Ranveer took my hand and took me to a bench that was adjacent to the drama room. He made me sit down and then told me to go go on.

I told him about my dream and hugged him again. He didn't say anything but let me hug him. Finally he separated and asked me the question that I had been dreading.

"Priyanka, do you love me?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

I looked down.

"I don't know. But there is something between us that is much more than friendship." I replied as truthfully as I could.

He nodded and looked down. When he looked up, he was smiling.

"It's ok. I understand. I will wait for you." He said and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Time was all I needed. Unfortunately, I didn't have much of it. Soon it would be a month of university and we would have to go back home for Diwali and I would have to face my dad and step-mom.

Born to be Yours #MissionDesiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin