My Savior (Chap 1)

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Chap one- Can't get it out of my head!


"How do I jump?" I asked

"What are you even doing?!" He teased

"Oh hush. You know I'm not good at games." I said sticking my tongue out of him

"Oh, Bec. I know." He laughed sticking his tounge out back.

The backdoor opened. And my moms heels stepped in.

"Guys, I just got called up to the office. I'll be back soon. Don't fight please. And I'm not even gonna say it this time. But Do Not open the door for strangers. I told you what happend to, Todd, Those high schoolers are no good." She scoldes.

"Mom I know! He go though this every time you leave!" I groaned.

"I know honey, But I want you two to be safe." She said kissing our foreheads.

"Bye mom. Love you." I shouted as she grabbed her purse and made her wag through the door.

"Love you guys. Be safe." She Said. closing the door.

"What's mom deal lately"? He asked

'I don't know... Probably grown up things." I laughes.

He laughed back. "Yeah probably. Now gimmie my controller back!" He said yanking the device from my hands.

I laughed as I went to lock the door.

"Bec look! I'm about to beat the game!" He shouted.

"Very good. That's skill!" I said walking to the kitchen.

There was literally nothing good in here. I grabbed a water and headed to my room. I started scribbling down drawings from the game. About 15 minutes passes.

I heard a high pitch scream come from the living room. I shrugged it off at first thinking maybe he just had died in the game or something. "B- Hel- I!" I heard him scream-Stutter.

I jumped up from my bed and ran down stairs.

"Hello?" I asked.


"Bubba?" I calles again.

Still silence.

I noticed the controller had been thrown across the room.

"C'mon, Bubba, This is not funny." I called.

No response. No laughter. Just the game music. Playing over. And over.


I woke up. Sweet beads dripping down my forehead. Taking deep breaths I challenged myself not to cry. Its ok Becca. Its ok. Its over. The dream seemed familiar... But I couldn't recall.

I looked at my bedside clock. It was only 10am. I got up, made my bed, And tied up my mop blonde hair. I walkes down the hall to the kitchen. Mom was gone at work and Dad was probably still sleeping. I opened the refrigerator door, I saw some leftover cake from my 18th birthday party yesterday... I grabbed a piece sloshing it onto a plate.

I picked the iceing off and smeared it on the cake... He had taught me that. Since icing was both out favorite parts. The house was quiet. Silence scares me honestly. After I finished my cake I poured a glass of Orange juice, and walked over to our fishtank, In the study. The babbling bubbles soothed me. I watched the fishs swim around as I sipped my drink.

As I was focused on our clown fish I had named 'nemo' I could've sworn I saw a face.... A Boy... Mop colored blonde hair, Same as mine. I closed my eyes, and blinked a few time. He was gone. I looked behind me. nothing.

Calm down. Clam down. I repeatedly whispered to myself. I left the study and walked into my room. My laptop beeped with messages. I wasn't ready to read anyone's shit so I slammed it shut, causing it to beep furiously. Umm... What the hell? It eventually stopped. 'I need a shower' I whispered. I grabbed a tan pair of shorts, Along with a while tee to match. I layed my clothes out and prepared for after my shower. I took my pjs off and threw them in the basket.

I adjusted the temp to my likeing, And stepped in. I washed my hair, And body. As I was shaving I heard a whisper say 'Remember the 4th.'. I jumped up from my position 'What?! Hello?" I shouted. Nobody was there. I don't even know anymore. I continued my shower. When I got out I stepped in front of my sink and brushed my teeth and hair, While getting dressed at the same time, complicated, I know, But I'm a complicated person. after I was done with my teeth I was rinsing my mouth out. When I looked up. The boy was back staring at me. I gasped. 'I'll always love you.' He whispered. I threw my brush down and ran out of the bathroom.

What the actual fuck. I ran to the home phone fumbled with the buttons but got to number.

"Hello?" her voice rang though, Obviously Sleepy.

"Dawn, Get here. NOW." I yelled. and hung up the phone. I took deep breaths as I slid down the wall. What's happening to me?


End of one!! ^.^

How was it sew far? (:

On a scale of 1-10.


😆 update soon.

My Savior (A BEN Drowned fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now