Chapter 28- Faults

Start from the beginning

More than a couple minutes later, loud commotions were increasing from behind the closed door indicating lunch was over. I really wasn't ready for class again. I didn't need them judging me for the wrong reason. This was going to be a long unnecessary period.

I need a car. I was on foot with less two step in my walk on the way home. Honestly I hated walking alone but occasionally it wasn't so bad. I just wish I was walking with a certain someone. I wish alot of things in fact. Unfortunately it wasn't that easy.

My need was soon granted when a black car with tented dark windows slowly pulled up near me, engine still running. I became tense as I continued to walk. This time I didn't have someone to save me or beat this guy to a pulp, As Jeremiah would do as well as say. I smile mentally but then curse at myself for being so distracted. I glance towards the car to to notice that the window was being dragged down and something appeared to cause me to reconsider being abducted.

"Get in the car." Lydia rudely ordered. Though she wasn't the driver that wasn't going to compel me to get in. I looked at the driver and shook my head at him. Cameron sighed rubbing his face with both hands.

"We're heading over at the hospital, wanna come?" I stopped at his question.

"No." Was my hesitant answer. The car halted and Cameron reached his body over Lydia's. His face screwed together and he questioned me. "What'd you mean no?"

"I mean no." I glanced between Lydia's annoyed and Cameron blank faces. "Can you just get in the fucking car already?" My head jolted back and I raised my eyebrow. Giving her stern look I turned around and continued to walk.

"Destiny?" Cameron shouted but I kept walking. I was not getting in the car with it.

"She obviously doesn't want to go. Why are you even trying?" Lydia retorted bluntly.

"Cause Jeremiah..." My foot almost about-faced when I heard him reply back but he didn't finish, or maybe its not that fact he didn't. It's possibly because I didn't hear him. The blaring engine blocked all sound waves that could reach my ears so therefore I didn't know what Jeremiah wanted Cameron to do. I had a feeling it was a good thing though because Lydia looked out from the window and gave me the finger.

The edge of my lips crooked a bit and a snort escaped. Without too much thought of that whole situation I continued to walk but now I had just a little skip in my step. Just a little.

I called my mom once I got home but of course she didn't answer. I was alone and it was way too quite. I couldn't stand it. The silent rooms allowed my head to think and that's not what I wanted to do right now. I dropped my books and my bag on the living room sofa. I dashed upstairs and snatched a random book from the open draws. I had stacks of books back when I use to live in California but unfortunately my parents wouldn't let me take them all, So I sold a good amount of them and took the money for school supplies and clothes. It was worth it.

I flopped on my bed, opening the book and picked a random page. I read from left to right, barely understanding the words being said. When I was coming to the end of that chapter, I wanted to throw the book and bang my head on the wall. A line of course had to catch my attention with the fact being I already have a situation to deal with.

I read it over and over 'till I was fed up with looking at it. I shut the book and face palmed myself. Although I wasn't looking at the words physically it still lingered mentally.

"That's the thing about pain," Augustus said, and then glanced back at me.

"It demands to be felt.

I narrowed my eyes at the shut book. "You did that on purpose." I spoke to it. I gripped and placed it at the top of the draw, considering to read it from the start.

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