Chapter 20 - Sex on the beach...literally.

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" He put down the bottle, and grinned as he stood up. He wore a quite baggy band shirt, with jeans and boots. "Hi..." She spoke a little quietly, as he stood in front of her not quite knowing what to do. Tori then opened her arms, and saw Michael smile widely as he hugged her. Looking at the three guys, she stared right through them trying to put together what had happened to the guys who went to her school.

"Woah...what happened to you guys?" She asked, as she broke the hug with Mikey. "We're that ugly huh?" Ashton joked, as he grinned at her. A smile tugged on her lips, before she broke out in a wide smile. "Hey there!" Hanna sounded beside her, then Spencer too. "Oh hey" Michael smiled. "Woah, you two look good" He smiled. "Thanks" Hanna fluffed some hair from her face, as she accepted the compliment. "You guys look great!" Spencer smiled.

"Thank you! You too" Ashton grinned as he made his way out the booth. "Old time sake" He then chuckled holding out his arms. "Why not..?" Spencer laughed a little as she hugged him. Michael held out his arms at Hanna and she stared him up and down before hugging him a little, with one arm. "Nice to see you've not changed, Hanna" He smiled at her. "Hmm!" She smiled sarcastically before putting up a middle finger. "Yah." Michael nodded.

Ashton hugged Tori tight and she giggled. "Your looking...very grown up Ash. Whats happened to you?" She laughed a little, as they let go and she looked at him. Shorter hair, but still long at the front which was pushed back and a grown in progress beard. "Yah, I know" He chuckled. Turning she then hugged Calum, then Luke. All of them fitted into the booth and got comfy.

"Like all of you have changed...its only been two years" Spencer laughed a little. "Look at you as well" Hanna pointed to Luke. "Your a man" Tori laughed a little, as she looked at him and his newly beard too. "Yeah, wheres your wannabe quiff gone?" Hanna asked, obviously joking making everyone laugh a little.

"Okay, whats up for drinks?" Calum then asked smiling. "Vodka and diet coke please" Spencer smiled and sat back. "Sex on the beach" Hanna nodded. "No, Han...what drink, not what you do in your free time" Michael spoke up, making the guys snigger and the girls looked at each other with a small smile on their faces, trying not to laugh. "Hilarious...your so funny" Hanna looked at him. "You should try it sometimes, its relaxing. You get a tan too" Hanna joked. "Then cool off in the water" She nodded.

"Okay then!" Calum laughed. "Vodka, sex, and Tori?" He looked at her smiling. "Uh, a long island ice tea please Cal" She nodded. "Got it" He grinned. "Wow, spending time in Chicago changed you" Michael smiled at Tori. "See touring the world hasn't changed you..." Hanna spoke up. "Ooh shots fired" Luke smiled, before taking some beer. "Here...we go" Spencer leaned into Tori's ear. "And I see working in Paris, hasn't changed your anger issues" Michael smirked at Hanna.

"Hows the boyfriend?" He then asked. "Uh, Michael" Tori stepped in. "Ooh hit a nerve?" Her then smiled. "I'd happily give you a matching scar on your face" Hanna told him calmly. "I'm joking, don't get your knickers in a twist" Michael picked up his beer. "That's if your wearing any..." He then added in. "I wouldn't Clifford" Hanna warned him. "Guys!" Spencer called them out. "Okay, refresh. Restart..." Ashton reassured them.


Sitting all talking, drink after drink they actually got on quite well. The guys talking about what happened with them in college before heading out into the world. What around the world was like, and playing to thousands of people nearly every night in arenas in their latest tour. How it can be stressful to make music, and produce it but in the end it was worth it. With new albums, and song and the new tour coming up.

How it could be difficult being flashed with cameras most of the time, but they get used to it. Getting used to people loving they're music, but was incredible with the support they get.

Surprisingly, with drink after drink they all stayed calm with it. Not mixing loads, or getting one straight after the other. They were interested in each others lives, more than drinking loads. Michael often stared at Tori, but they did talk. In a nice, calm manner of course. He would try to keep conversation going between them, wanting to know more and what she wanted to do in the future after the internship.

"Well it is nice to know...I stuck my neck out for you to get into NYC for you to drop out half way in" Tori looked at Michael, as she sipped on her drink. "Sorry for that..." He looked at her. "Its cool, your a superstar now so" Tori shrugged. "Not really..." Ashton perked in. "How so? Your known by millions around the world" Spencer asked. "Well...our manager, kinda says we're the biggest band that no one has heard of." Ashton laughed, as well as the guys and Hanna too.

"We have fans, grateful ones who are so dedicated'd be surprised by the amount of people who don't know us" He chuckled. "Well that doesn't stop with girls..." Hanna spoke up. Ashton sipped some beer, before looking at her. "What do you mean?" He asked with a small smile. "Well, I read a few months ago...because I follow gossip sites..." "Surprisingly" Michael spoke up sarcastically. "That...! You were seeing a girl" Hanna continued, drawing Michael a look.

Ashton's smile disappeared as he cleared his throat. "Yeah, gossip sites. Exactly" He sat back. "So dating the model isn't true?" She asked. "Ooh model." Spencer chirped in smiling. Ash, raised an eyebrow as he looked at Hanna. "You too Hemmings..." Hanna then pointed to Luke. Calum cleared his throat, as he turned away slightly. "Excuse me?" Luke asked, sounding quite irritated. Tori looked over at him, as he bit onto the edge of his lip.

"Well apparently your fans went crazy, after this girl your seeing went wacko on them. How she can be a bit of a bitch...and not loved by your music lovers" Hanna smiled. Luke's face got more irritated, and it was something Tori hadn't really seen before. "Like I said. Gossip sites" Ashton perked up nodding. "So not true?" Hanna egged on. "Its nothing really to do with you, though is it?" Luke asked, narrowing his eyes to her.

"Hanna, don't be nosey" Tori told her. "I'm not, I'm asking questions" She looked at her. "About their private lives come on" Tori nudged her. "Whats so private about they're lives now?" Hanna spoke to herself, before finishing back her drink. "Don't be a bitch" Tori warned her before sighing. "Little awkward..." Calum chuckled a little. "Little?" Tori asked, making Michael chuckle. "Well its getting late..." Spencer spoke up. "Hmm" Hanna made a face before she sat back and folded her arms.

"Your not going now are you?" Calum asked. "I'm sure you guys are busy...creating things, and I think we should head." She turned to the girls. Without saying a word, Hanna picked up her purse as she mentally agreed. "You don't have to go yet..." Michael turned to Tori. As she looked back at him, her stomach knotted a little. "No?" Tori asked as nothing else came to mind. "Don't go yet." Michael told her quietly. "Why don't we go back to Cal's house?" Luke offered. "Why my house?" Calum asked.

"Because your parents are away right now, and because I said so" He looked over at Calum, a little cocky. Sighing Calum smiled at the girls before looking at the girls. "I;m down if you all are" He told them. Michael still looked at Tori, as she stared at the guys. Looking back at him, she examined his face. "I don't mind..." Spencer spoke up. Hanna turned to her wide eyed. "I'm cool with it" Tori then spoke, making Hanna turn to her too. "Awesome. Lets go" Ashton grinned, and Michael smiled.

This was going to be a bad idea...

This was a long one, sorry ~ Chez

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