Chapter Eighteen

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Would you believe me if I told you I wrote a chapter that is going to give you a break from drama? Well, I did. This one will just focus on Sky and Rachel as a couple.This will probably be the first and last peaceful chapter you'll get :)))))))))))

+ Sky +

"Rachel, stop taking forever and a day," I groan while repeatedly knocking on the door of her dressing room.

"That's my saying!" I hear her muffled voice yell causing me to smile, she's cute when she's mad. Today is our one month anniversary and while we said we weren't going to do much since it is a two show day I still planned something after the second show. Which I rather not be late for.

"Come on," I whine. "You're taking longer than Ben."

I can sense her making her 'oh, please' face.

"Okay, that was a lie," I admit. "But you are taking a long time."

A few minutes later she opens her door and makes a face at me.

"Could you be anymore annoying?"

"Could you be any slower?"

She smirks and takes a step back into her room and my face falls.

"Don't you dare," I warn.

"You know," she starts.

"Rachel, I swear."

"I think I want to style my hair," she smirks before shutting the door.

"Rachel Elizabeth Bailey!" I yell while banging on the door. "I swear if you do not come out this second I will break your fucking door!"

"Watch your language!" She yells through the door. "There are children here!" As if on cue Meredith walks by with Wren. Must be girlsies telepathy or something.

"Yes, girlsies have telepathy," Rachel and Meredith say at the same time and I jump back. They both laugh and Meredith walks off with Wren.

"That was freaking," I say. "Now get out," I bang on the door again.

"No," she huffs. "I am redoing my hair."

"I hope you know I hate you," I say while leaning my back against the door.

"Just you wait," I hear her say with an evil laugh and then the door swings open. I stumble into the room and fall smack on my butt.

"How'd you know I was leaning against the door?" I ask while looking up at her, noticing she already has a totally new hairstyle. "And how'd you change you hair so quickly?"

"Girlsies are very powerful humans," she smirks.

"More like very powerful witches," I mumble under my breath.

"Nope, not witches," she says and I'm stunned she heard that. "Just powerful humans with good hearing," she smirks.

"You know what this is terrifying," I say while standing up. "I think I'll stagedoor by myself."

"Fine by me," she shrugs, seemingly completely serious. There's a moment of silence between us. "I'm serious."

Okay, now I am actually scared these girls have some sort of crazy power.

"Go on," she crosses her arms.

"Um, okay," I say, uneasy. I feel like this is one of these tests your girlfriend pulls on you and you never want to fail those.

I step out of the room and head down the hall. This doesn't feel right. Walking down these halls after a show without Rachel doesn't make sense. Sure it's only been two weeks but this isn't the same. After every show Rachel and I walk down the hall together talking and laughing about the show. We get to the backstage area and always stop to talk to some crew members, even help out a little bit. Then, we go out to stagedoor and talk to fansies. Walking without her by my side is weird.

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