Chapter Seven

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Disclaimer, I used the real questions from the live chat Q&A because why not?

+ Rachel +

"Tell me everything," Morgan says when we get back to the apartment after rehearsal.

"What do you mean?" I ask while walking over to the kitchen.

"The kiss," she whines following me to the fridge. "What did you think about Sky?"

"He's aight," I shrug trying not to blush or smile.

"Okay now you really have to tell everything," she says as I pull out a water bottle and pass her one.

"It was just a kiss," I say while walking away.

"Don't say it like it happens everyday!" She says stepping in front of me.

"What do you want me to say?" I laugh.

"Did you like it?" She raises an eyebrow and I blush. "You did!" She shouts, grinning.

"I mean he isn't a bad kisser," I shrug while looking at my feet and walking away.

"Oh my gosh," she yells while following me to my room.

"Let's just leave the topic alone," I say.

"You know he likes you," she says. "I personally think you guys should date."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," I laugh while pulling out a change of clothes.

"You and Josh have been broken up for almost three months," she says. "It is time for you to move on."

"This isn't about Josh," I argue. "I've moved on."

She raises an eyebrow, her way of saying have you? Have you really?

"Yes, yes I have," I say. "Plus I don't want Sky to be my rebound," I shrug.

"You want him to be more than that?"

"Maybe," I blush.

"Ahhh," she screams while jumping up and down.

"Calm down," I laugh. "In all honesty I don't think I'll date him," I say, this causes her to stop jumping and look as me as if I said her dog just died.

"No," she whines. "Why?" She sounds like a five year-old who was just told they can't buy any candy.

"Because wouldn't it be awkward?" I say. "I mean with Josh and all."

"I never liked Josh," she huffs. "So I don't care."

"What do you have against Josh?" I laugh.

"He's nice and all but some people just aren't meant to be friends," she shrugs.

"I have to go get ready for the live chat," I say while walking picking up my clothes.

I change into the shirt I was given to wear for the live chat and some jean shorts. It is barely warm enough to wear shorts but I don't really care. I wear my hair down since I straightened it this morning, though I have to go over it because my ponytail from rehearsal creased my hair. I push my hair back with a thin, black headband and brush through it. I put my white converse on and take one last look in the mirror. Good enough.

I walk out of the room to see Morgan in the living area flipping channels on the tv. I grab my wristlet with my keys and check card in it, along with my phone.

"I'll see you later," I say to her.

"Who else is doing the live chat?" She asks.

"I'm not really sure," I shrug while walking towards the door.

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