Chapter Fourteen

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+ Rachel +

It's Saturday which means it is our first two show day of the tour. I am going to be vocally drained after this, I can only imagine what the ensemble boys will be going through. All that dancing, I'd probably cry. Or sleep for a year, probably both.

I look at the clock, it's noon. I have to be at the theatre in an hour and I still haven't gotten up from bed.

"Get up loser we're going shopping," Morgan says while throwing a pillow at me.

"I don't even like shopping," I groan while putting a pillow over my head.

"Well, then good thing it's a two show day," she laughs.

"Okay, shopping doesn't sound that bad anymore."

"Seriously get up or I'm getting breakfast without you," she says followed by shutting the bathroom door. 

I get up and stretch before starting to get ready. I'm too tired to actually even put forth any effort in how I look today. As much as I'd hate to meet fansies and pose for pictures while looking almost dead and while they all look amazing, I'll have to cope. They'll understand I have bum days, right?

I wear a pair of gray leggings and a long sleeve Michigan T-Shirt. I could be there right now, freezing it up, taking a bunch of classes. I'm glad I'm here instead. If I weren't here I wouldn't be dating Sky right now, who knows maybe I would've gotten back together with Josh or even started dating someone in Michigan.

I've been really tired these past few days, not as in I need to sleep. I'm not even tired physically, it's more emotional, more mental. I'm just overall drained and I'm not sure why.

Something has been bothering me, but I can't tell what. It's like something is nipping at my brain, my thoughts. Like it is trying to get me to notice and acknowledge it. This has been going on since Wednesday, I just don't know what it could be.

Maybe someone said something the night before, at the opening night party. Who knows. Maybe I'm just crazy.

"Okay," Morgan starts while walking out of the bathroom. "What's been up with you these past few days?" Just the question I was dreading.

"I wish I knew," I mutter while throwing my hair in a ponytail. "There is something bothering me but I can't tell what, I just am getting this feeling that something is upsetting me. I don't know why or what."

"Isn't that the definition of depression?" She worriedly asks.

"I'm not depressed," I say. "My life is pretty great at the moment."

"Minus the fact that your parents don't want you dating your boyfriend who said he loves you," she says.

"Don't remind me," I mutter.

"I can't believe you didn't say it back," she shakes her head as I walk past her to go brush my teeth.

"Can we not talk about it," I say.

"Why didn't you though? Is it about Josh?"

"No," I say continuing to brush my teeth.

"Then what?"

"One second," I say. Once I'm done brushing my teeth I walk out of the bathroom, grab my backpack and head out the door with Morgan.

"I don't know why I didn't say it back," I shrug when we get to the elevators. "I guess it just didn't feel like the right time."

"Are you sure that's it?" She asks.

"Yes." She gives me a look. "Okay, no."

"Then what is it?" She asks. "Because right now we are acting like Meredith and Izzie and I can't afford to have this turn into me needing to binge watch Grey's Anatomy. Mainly because I can't afford Netflix right now."

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