Chapter Eleven

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*Cries because Jeff Heimbrock is in this chapter*

This chapter is my Christmas present to you.

+ Sky +

I tap my fingers against the arm of the couch as I wait for Rachel. I look at my watch, I've been waiting for fifteen minutes. Did I say the right time? Did she forget we were going to breakfast? Am I being stood up?

No, no. Maybe she just overslept or something. Maybe she's still getting ready, or got the times mixed up.

I continue to wait, thinking everything is fine. Though when another fifteen minutes pass I start coming to terms with the fact that she isn't coming. I try to call her again but she doesn't answer.

"Well, looks like I just got stood up," I whisper to myself.

I get up to stretch and Morgan walks over to me.

"You waiting on Rachel?" She asks.

"Well, I was," I say. "I think she stood me up," I quietly say.

"Really?" She asks confused. "She left the apartment about thirty or so minutes ago."

"That's about when we were supposed to meet," I say. "I would've seen her if she came down though."

"I know the feeling, I've been down here waiting for..." She trails off.

"Waiting for who?"

"I've been waiting for Josh," she says. "For the same amount of time you've been waiting for Rachel."

My face falls, "Do you think..."

"I don't know... They haven't been talking..."

"As far as we know," I mumble.

Could she have really blown me off for Josh? After talking about how not wanting to be with him. It doesn't make sense, but it kind of does. They were together for four years, they did seem pretty in love. That isn't something you just throw away.

Well, this hurts. I really thought Rachel and I could be something special. I guess I was wrong. I guess Josh will always be the one she wants. I can't believe I really fooled myself into thinking she would ever truly move on from him. I was joking myself to think we'd ever be together.

"Well, I'm just going to go up to my apartment now," I say. "I'll see you later," I say to Morgan before walking over to the elevator.

I go to push the button but a building worker stops me.

"Sir, I'm afraid the power in the elevator shaft is down at the moment," they inform me.

"Okay," I smile at them. "I'll take the stairs."

Joy, I just got crushed and now I have to walk up eighteen flights of stairs. That's eighteen flights of stairs to myself though, not going to lie I actually feel like crying.

Rachel was the first girl I ever really cared about. I'd say that I even love her. The first day I saw her at auditions I just knew, I knew she was going to affect me. I don't think it was love at first sight, you can't love someone without knowing them as a person, but it was definitely something. I knew that she was going to affect me, I didn't know if we'd be friends or more. I didn't know if the affect would be positive or negative, but I guess it's both.

While I am crushed at the fact that she chose Josh over me, she really helped me. She helped me become a better person. It wasn't until I met her and saw her with Josh that I really started to care about others. That I realized it's not okay to just take a girl out in hopes of, well you know. It was then I really thought a relationship where you actually care for each other, talk to each other, learn everything about one another, isn't a waste. I then started to think it's the best possible relationship to have with someone.

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