Chapter Fifteen

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+ Sky +

I step out onto the stage.

Today is our first two show day, unlike most people I actually love two show days. I just love to dance as much as I can. It just gives me this amazing rush, and this amazing sense of happiness. Euphoria maybe. Nothing can bother me or bring me down when I'm dancing and I just forget about everything. Very few things make me feel this way.

I look through the screens of the towers, at the empty theatre. In just a few minutes the people waiting on the other side of those doors will start to fill in all of those seats. I lean on the tower, this is amazing that we get to do this every day. It is amazing that we get to do what we love for our job.

"What the hell was that?"

I groan and turn to face Josh, his signature angry face on.

"Why must my favorite moments and happiness always be disturbed by you and your sidekick?" I ask while leaning against the tower.

"Just my job, being the bitter ex of your girlfriend," he shrugs. "Ben just happens to appear at the worst times for you and it makes me happy," he smirks.

Something about him is off.

"What's behind your back?" I ask and he reveals one of the wooden sticks from the show.

"Just messing with some props," he says, a certain evil to his voice. "So what'd you do this morning?" He smirks.

"Um, I got breakfast," I say, confused as to what is happening.

"Was that before or after you hooked up with Rachel in a supply closet?" He questions and my stomach drops. "Quite tacky, am I right?"

"We didn't hook up," I say in a low voice. "How'd you even know about the supply closet?"

"You know Rachel isn't the only person who can follow someone down a hotel hallway," he says. "I stayed by for a minute or two after that lady closed the door again and you two never came out. Nobody saw either of you for awhile after that," he shrugs. "Leads people to believe it was more than just a kiss."

"Well it wasn't," I say. "So, bye," I say and try to walk past him but he steps in front of me. "Okay, just tell me what you want me to not do so I know to make sure you know when I do it," I say.

"Wow, no wonder you couldn't hold a relationship in high school," he says and I clench my fist. No, I will not punch him. As much as I'd like to I won't. "I don't even want to imagine the less mature version of you, if that's even possible."

"Can we move this along? I have to get ready," I roll my eyes. Man, I can't stand this kid.

"I hope you know that if you ever make your relationship with Rachel intimate," he steps closer to me. "I will kill you."

"With what? That stick?" I laugh.

The next thing I know I see the stick flash by me and hit the tower beside me. Causing a loud crash.

"What the hell?" I yell.

"You were sarcastic, you asked for it," he defends.

"Why do you even care if Rachel and I were to be intimate?" I ask and he just looks at the ground. "Oh," I say. "I see now, you want to be her first intimate relationship," I almost feel bad for him. "I hate to say it but you had your chance."

"What the hell is going on?" I hear Rachel's angry voice say as she appears in between Josh and I.

"He started it," Josh and I yell at the same time while pointing at each other. "No, it was you!" We yell.

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