Chapter Twelve

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Oh, the irony of one line in this chapter. You'll know it when you see it. *single tear*

Also extra long chapter means extra comments, right? *hint* *hint*

+ Rachel +

Today is the day. Opening night.

We have five minutes before the show starts and you can tell everyone's nerves are getting to them. Jeff Calhoun has already given us his famous opening night pep talk, which only lessened our nerves a bit.

Backstage is chaotic, though it is probably worse in the wings. I'm waiting in the girlsies costume and changing area before I have to go to the wings. I can hear how hectic it is on the other side of the four walls made of curtain, I can only imagine what it looks like. The sounds of the boys shoes smacking on the cement floor as the run through backstage is not very calming. For dancers you'd think they'd be a little lighter on their feet.

"There you are," Morgan says while pulling the curtain to the side and stepping in. "I've been looking everywhere. Why are you hiding out in possibly the smallest amount of space we've been given?" She laughs.

It is small. Enough room for our costume racks and a few metal chairs. Hardly enough room for all of us girlsies to get changed into our different costumes.

"It's the calmest place in the storm," I say while staring at my other three costumes hanging on my costume rack. "I'm really nervous and I don't think I can handle any of the boys right now," I laugh while wiping off the skirt of my opening costume. Not that there is anything on it, I haven't left this area since I put it on.

"Well, we have about three minutes before they even dim the house lights," she says while sitting in the chair next to me. "Then we have to make it through the show, then stagedoor, until we finally get to go to the opening night party," she smiles.

"Nobody's going to be at stagedoor," I laugh. "This is a national tour, nobody every stagedoors for these shows," I shrug.

"True, but a girl can dream," she laughs.

"We better start heading out," I say, standing up and walking out of our curtained off area. Morgan walking alongside me.

"So, how's life treating you?" She grins and I laugh, both of us knowing that is the worst question to ask to start conversation.

"It's actually pretty great," I smile. Just then I see Sky walking towards me. "Josh and I are friends again, Sky and I are dating-"

"You're dating Sky?" She yells and suddenly everything goes quiet.

Around us the sounds of the boys' chatter and shoes hitting the concrete stops. As if everyone has either disappeared or is listening intently to who's about to say what. Morgan and I look at each other wide-eyed, both knowing that everyone in the backstage area could her a pin drop. I look across the way to see Sky almost looks scared, then I see Josh is a few feet behind him. Well, that explains that. After a moment of silence the overture starts to play through the intercom. The show is starting. I let out a sigh in relief, saved by the... Trumpet?

The boys go back to their conversations and their voices start to fade as they head towards the wings. Sky disappearing from sight.

"Sorry," Morgan whispers, both of us still worried people are listening.

"It's nothing," I say and go into the wings.

I look around for Sky. I want to talk to him before he goes onstage and the overture is almost over which means he'll have to go up the towers soon.

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