Chapter Ten

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*gasp* double update?

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Also in one part I wrote in all caps, don't expect that because I absolutely hate writing like that. However, I let it slide just this once for the humor of three lines.

+ Josh +

Another day, another heartbreak.

That's what I've been saying every morning when I wake up. Every morning since the night Rachel and I broke up. It's been even worse now seeing her around Sky. Just praying that they don't end up together.

I get up and slump my way over to the kitchen, not even bothering to change out of my boxers. Ben is already in the kitchen, dressed and eating pancakes.

"I made pancakes," he says sounding proud.

I look over at the plates to see half are burnt to a crisp and half are perfect.

"What the hell happened?" I laugh while grabbing one of the better ones.

"Well, I only made half of those," he says.

"It will be a mystery to know which half you made," I laugh. "So, who made the good, non-burnt ones?"

"What if I made the non-burnt ones?" He pouts.

"I know you, and I know you made the burnt ones."

"Okay, okay," he says. "Rachel made the non-burnt ones."

"Rachel was here?" My face brightens up. "Is she still here?"

"No, she went to go get breakfast with Sky," he shrugs.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"I think they're dating," he says and I hear my heart shatter.

"Why would you think that?"

"They went on a date a couple of days ago and they've been pretty close since," he shrugs.

And there goes my heart.

"I think you should go talk to her."

"What makes you say that?"

"You never resolved your problems," he says. "You should at least clear the air before you two get into other relationships," he says.

"I can't even think about being in a relationship anymore," I mutter.

"Listen, I know she's the love of your life and all and that you can't live without her and you think now she'll never love you-"

"Well, I wasn't thinking that last part till now."

"My point is," he says. "I don't think her and Sky will last that long."

"Why not?"

"The dude has no filter," he nearly shouts. "I love him to death and all but he needs to watch what he says," he points a fork at me. "He's better around Rachel, but that won't matter because I'm sure his words are going to come back to bite him in the ass. And when they do Rachel will realize what she let go of and will come back to you."

"You think so?"


While that makes me feel a little better I still hate that I am going to have to sit back and watch them be together.

"I can't believe she'd even date him knowing he admits he was a player all through high school," he says.

"Wait he was?"

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