Start from the beginning

"Yeah, and I said yes just so I didn't hurt his feelings but then Justin Massey asked me out." Patience, Kat and I had small grins on our faces."Yeah." Tamora said with a smile. "So know I have to tell Dashawn that I don't wanna go out with him." "Let me do it." Kat said as her book orbed away. "Really?" Tamora asked with a smile. "Yeah I'll pretend to be you and cancel the date tomorrow at 3rd period." "Thanks sis." Tamora turned towards Patience. "Ready to go?" She asked. Patience nodded her head. "But first let's go to my house so I can change into my uniform." Patience beamed out and Tamora orbed out. "Well I better get ready for my shift at Charmed. I'll text you?" Kat asked. I shook my head as Kat orbed out. There was a knock at the door. I opened it to see a familiar face. "Billie." I squealed. We hugged before Billie looked into my eyes ."I wanted you to be the first to know that i'm pregnant." My eyes widened.

It was third period. I was standing in the gym wearing Tam's cheer leading outfit with my hair in a tight ponytail. I would usually never wear my hair like this but I will do anything for my sister. I spotted the basketball team's water boy Dashawn Lynch. I started walking towards him. "Hey tam." Chris called out. I slowly turned around with a smile. "Hey Chris. I'm kinda busy right now." "But wait coach said-" I continued to walk towards Dashawn who was sitting on the bleachers. "Hey Tamora." He said as he searched through a bag. "Hey Dashawn, look-" I began to say but was cut off. "Super pumped for our date." He said with a smile. "Yeah about that-" I was once again cut off. "I'm not trying to sound crazy or anything but I'm madly in love with you." He said in a serious tone. "Of course you are, I mean look at me." "No i'm serious. I think we're soul mates." He stared at me as I stared at him back. "Which is what makes this conversation way more depressing. I'm canceling our date." I said bluntly. He quickly stood up. "What? Why?" He asked. "Honestly, you creep me out." He started to ball his fist up. "Your going to regret that. I PROMISE you." Chris walked in front of me. "Beat it Lynch before I make you beat it." Dashawn glared at Chris before walking away.

I sat in Kat's global studies class as the teacher rambled. I quietly sat filing my nails. "Kat." Mrs. Audrey called. "Kat." She called once again. "Katrina Halliwell!" She called causing me to immediately look up. For a moment I forgot I was playing Kat. "Yes Mrs. Audrey?" She folded her arms as everyone in class placed their eyes on me. "Why are you doing your nails in class?" She asked as I felt a strong feeling. I sensed one of my family members around me. I looked over towards the front door and saw Kat standing there waving her hands tying to get my attention. I turned back towards Ms. Audrey. "I would hate for my nails to become ugly and uneven. Kinda like yours." She looked at her nails before telling me to put the nail filer away. In the corner of my eye I notice Kat talking to Melinda. It looked like Kat was begging her for something. Melinda rolled her eyes before turning towards the class. She then flicked her hands and everyone in the room froze.

"Alex did you place the order for the booz?" I asked as I cleaned the bar counter in P3. He sat in a chair as he texted on his phone. "I thought you were placing the order for the booz." I snatched his phone out of his hand and crushed it with my foot. "How are we going to open tonight without no booz?" I asked him as I handed him his broken phone. He placed it on the table. "Duh Sherlock." He conjured another phone. "We're witches." Feeling a little skeptical about the idea, I picked up a clipboard and walked over to the dj equipment. Alex followed. "That's personal gain." I reminded him. "So?" He replied bluntly. I turned towards him. "So? I know you use to be evil, and made bad choices, and got bad haircuts, but us good people follow the rules." Alex chuckled. "What is so funny?" He began pacing sarcastically. "I just find it funny how your acting so good when you used to be evil too." I pushed my eyebrows together. "What are you babbling about?" I asked as I folded my arms. "Well thanks to Austin, I supercharged my premonition power and saw into your future before Chris changed it."

"Before Chris changed it?" I asked. "What are you talking about?" He chuckled. "Oh little cousin, In a old future you become evil. Chris went back in time to stop you from turning and succeeded. But he died in the process." "Did my mom know about this?" I asked. "You didn't hear it from me but.. yes she did."

"And then I told her that it should be called Charmed the Next Generation." I told Wes as we romantically held hands walking down the hallway. "Those are fantastic titles sweetie." He said with a smile showing his pearly white teeth. "I know your saying that to please me but I don't care cause I like it." He held onto my hand with a tight but not to tight grip. "I love you." I stopped in my tracks as my heart started beating. A concerned look appeared on his face. "Do you not love me?" Just when I opened my mouth to answer a class room door flew open and a boy with a bloody nose flew out and hit the wall with force. Wes immediately placed his arm in front of me making me back up. He's so protective and caring and sweet. I just don't think I "love him" yet.

Chris stormed out of the class room and picked the boy up by his shirt. It was Dashawn, the boy who asked out Tamora. Chris held him by his shirt with one arm before using his free hand to punch him in his face. He has to be using Telekinesis because Dashawn once again flew all the way to the end of the hall. Coach Webster quickly stepped out of his office. He walked over to Chris who was now on top of Dashawn punching him in the face. Coach pulled Chris off of Dashawn before helping him up. "Halliwell in my office NOW." He shouted at Chris. I noticed a small grin that crept on Dashawn's face when Chris walked into Coach's office. It quickly faded once Coach turned towards him. He observed his bloody nose, busted lip, and swollen eye. I wondered what made Chris beat him up so badly. If coach wouldn't have broken it up Dashawn would of probably been dead.

"You okay water boy?" Coach asked Dashawn. He nodded his head. "Good." Coach observed his face once again. "Man you really got your ass kicked." He told Dashawn. "SOMEONE TAKE WATER BOY TO THE NURSE." Coach said to the giant crowd in the hallway before walking into his office and shutting the door. "What was that about?" Wes asked. "I have no idea."

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now