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     I flashed onto the porch of the big house and walked in "hello Chiron, hey Dio" "meh" "hello Davy, Dionysus filled me in on what happened, I'm sorry about your crew, but congratulations on becoming a council member" "thanks, say what are the campers building out there?" "The gods offered Percy Jackson immortality but he declined, instead he wished for all the gods to have cabins as well and they are starting with yours since you are the new council member" "yeah? I guess I can have kids now that I'm not a reaper anymore" "indeed you can, but will you?" "I may have a few but not as many as ares or Aphrodite" he chuckled "indeed that would be troublesome" "I'll go and check on their progress" I walked out and saw that annabeth was leading the building party "hello annabeth how's it coming along?" "Hello lord jones, I've already designed your cabin and we are building it now, take a look" the cabin looked great, it looked somewhat like a small frat house you see on college campuses now a days, and with red bricks for the walls and a white roof, and had tobacco plants growing in front of it and various liquor bottle on the window sills, a bronze 13 above the door, my favorite number, I don't know why I just always loved that number, this girl really had a passion for architecture "I love it but if this is what we are gonna base it and myself on, I would like to have the crests of every fraternity hanging on the walls inside" "I'll start researching them and get right on it lord jones" "thank you, also I will soon be changing my name, Davy Jones doesn't sound as awesome as it did when I was the reaper of the seas, I'll notify everyone when I've made my decision" "very well lord jones" "good work, keep doing want you do" "yes sir" I walked back to the big house and saw Dionysus was gone, he must have been taking his afternoon nap. "That annabeth is amazing with architecture" "indeed she is, the gods have chosen her to redesign and rebuild the temples and palaces on Olympus after the destruction the war caused" "really? That's great, I know she will do well, now what do we have scheduled for the rest of the day?" "Dinner will be shortly and no training will be done for the campers until the cabins are built since the war just ended" "very well, in the mean time, how about a nice game of pinochle?" "Sounds good to me" Chiron beat me and told me he and Dio play all the time here so I guess that put me in their circle for everyday games, Dionysus came down just as the dinner horn sounded so the three of us went to the dining pavilion. When we got there I saw the new tables to represent the other gods including me were already in place, Chiron gave his announcements and introduced me to those who haven't met me, which was almost everyone since I was always at sea and rarely came to the camp. The campers gave their offerings and I smelled the scent of a humidor stacked with fresh cigars, always loved that smell. After dinner the campers continued building for a bit while Chiron Dio and I went back to the big house so they could explain, or so Chiron could explain, how the camp is ran. After that we all went to bed.

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