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Kisame had no idea how to explain. He only needed to show Sakura the pictures for her to understand, but somehow Sasuke, he just wasn't getting it.

The Uchiha had no idea what they were supposed to convey or what hidden message they contained. He certainly didn't feel like Sakura who was now calm as she clutched Kisame's arm. Even Deidara and Sasori had to lean in and squint to see something but even then, the two art freaks couldn't decipher anything. "Explain." Sasuke finally gave up, looking up from the pictures he was presented with of the outside of Naruto's window.

Kisame sighed, Sakura's red eyes looking back at the pictures and glaring down at them. "Just tell him." She said, wiping the last bit of water trickling down her reddened eyes. "Stop making him figure it out on his own, he'll never get it."

"You want me to just say it or do you want my reasoning behind my suspicions?" Kisame asked, taking his phone back from Sasuke's hands and placing it into his pocket where Itachi's phone still remained. The Uchiha had forgotten about it.

"Just explain." Sasuke grew impatient. "Does it have to do with Naruto?" Sakura nodded. "Okay, then tell me. Out with it, Kisame. What is it?"

"Yeah dude, cut to the chase." Sasori demanded. "What's going on?"

Kisame looked over towards Sakura, shaking his head slowly and letting out a sigh as he wondered how he should word it.

"Kisame!" Sasuke banged a fist on the table.

"It's Itachi." Kisame finally spoke.

The blond couldn't feel anything on his wrists anymore, the more he tugged, the more blood was drawn and the feeling of pain had slowly diminished. He was giving up slowly, the rope wasn't breaking. It's like no matter how hard or how long he tugged at it, it wouldn't let him escape. He had stopped screaming hours ago. Itachi was confident nobody would hear him, and he was right. Screaming for hours proved to be difficult as his voice became hoarse and he couldn't shout or scream if his life depended on it. He just needed to get free...

Deidara gasped, throwing a hand to his mouth as he realized what Kisame meant. Both Sasori and Sasuke looked over at him and asked him what was wrong. Sakura felt like she needed to leave, she couldn't bear looking at how slowly the other two came to realization, it was all just too painful.

"Ki-Kisame..." Sasuke's voice wavered, feeling like someone was choking him and they wouldn't let go. "What are you trying- no, you can't just accu- no, no. You're wrong, no... oh go-" He grabbed at his chest, feeling a pain too unreal as he processed the piece of information he got. It couldn't be real, no. His brother? His own brother?!

The next few seconds seemed to pass by slowly. He felt so many things at once, and it was all too confusing. how could Itachi be the one behind all this? "You're lying...tell me-no, Kisame, no!" Angered was one way of describing Sasuke. "You're lying!"

"Like I said, it's a suspicion!" Kisame shouted back. "You saw the pictures, you saw how easily Itachi climbed up there, hell, you even heard him trying to force open the window! It's pretty spot on, so the more you come to terms with it, the faster we can think of something!"

Although Kisame had reacted quick, he wasn't fast enough to evade Sasuke's punch.

He gave up, tugging anymore was useless. His arm was tired, the rope had managed to cut through his skin and just now it was starting to hurt again as the blood dried and any movement made the scrapes bleed again. Turning his head to the side, the blond cried as he slowly began accepting his fate; there was just no escaping.

"Kisame! Open the fucking door!" Sasuke banged on the door, pushing with all his weight to open it but Kisame was just too heavy to move from the front of the door. "I'll jump out the window! I swear I will!"

Sakura stared at the door and had the urge to help Sasuke out, but like Kisame said, they needed some type of plan.

Sasuke could be heard sobbing, slowly the pushes against the door stopped as he finally came to terms with it. "How?!" He shouted, punching the door. "He was in front of us the entire time! How could he get away with it?!"

A few minutes passed, Naruto slowly began pulling again, ignoring the pain of it as he pulled without putting much force into it. He pulled...pulled...just a little bit more...pull...pull...pu-

"Ye-yes!" Finally, the blond's right hand was free. Without hesitation, he reached over to his left and untied the knot, though it was hard as he couldn't contain his excitement. Both arms free and now busy untying his feet, Naruto looked up as he heard a sound outside. It couldn't be Itachi, could it?!

It hurt to walk, but Naruto fought through the pain and peeked out from a window, sighing of relief when neither Itachi nor his car was outside. Moving fast in case he did come back soon, Naruto waddled over to the small living room, pulling on a shirt and hurrying out of the door, running into the forest and avoiding the trail in case Itachi happened to drive in. He ignored every strain in his muscles, moving forward as his chest pumped hard, tears of what seemed to be joy rolled down his cheeks.

It wasn't all joy, though. He was scared, why? Well, there was the thought that Itachi could be back any minute now. What if he came back and found him? What if he didn't make it?

"S-stop!" He called out, finally making it to the side of the road and sticking a hand out to stop any car passing by. "I need a ride to the nearest police station, please!" He shouted as he ran over towards the one car that stopped. "Please help me!"

"What's wrong?" The person asked, unlocking the doors to let Naruto in. "The police station is back that way, I'm in a hurry, but is it an emergency?"

Naruto shook his head, deciding getting to Kyu was top priority. "Do you have a phone I can use? I'd like to call someone first." Naruto had tears as he climbed in, thanking the man in front. He was grateful at this moment, shaking as he took the phone. He didn't care who the first person he called, but he really hoped they would answer and listen to him.

"Sasuke, shut up!" Kisame blocked the way, forbidding Sasuke from going out to the authorities. He had confiscated his cell phone, looking like the bad guy who didn't want Naruto to be saved but in reality he couldn't let anybody do anything unless they knew for sure Naruto was safe.

Sakura had been trying to hold Sasuke back along with Deidara and Sasori. At the ring of her phone, she let go as she looked at the unknown number, making Sasuke trip over his footing and the three fell.

"Hello?" She answered, confused as she heard sobbing on the other side. "Who is this?"

A short silence was her answer, but listening closer, she could hear a hushed sobbing.


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