Unfortunate event

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Naruto watched from inside as a few policemen walked up towards Itachi. Something seemed odd, a terrible feeling crept up as he watched Itachi remain calm throughout the entire time. He was too calm and collected, going as far as to smile and laugh with them as they walked him over to his car and made sure he got inside before driving away. Of course Naruto had expected this, they wouldn't arrest him for a small fight.

He looked away from the window, his fingers nervously tapping on the counter as he waited for his brother. He asked himself, what would happen once he got home? "Are you alright?" He was startled as a hand was placed on his shoulder. Looking over, he realized it was only one of the police officers. "Naruto?" The man asked in surprise.

"Neji?" Naruto was at least relieved to have the genius of the Hyuuga family standing before him.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Neji asked, taking a seat beside the blond.

"Nothing, just a disagreement." Naruto said as he took a sip of his bottles water. "Listen, to report a sexual assault-"

"All units close to central district respond." The small radio strapped on Neji's chest interrupted the blond, grabbing Neji's attention as he responded.

"What's the issue?" Neji asked.

"Car wreck, five minutes from where you are. Other person's escaped I need you here, stat. Over." Came the static reply from the other person. Naruto's heart skipped a beat as he took in those words. Hadn't Kyu been on his way to get here? Shit, didn't Naruto tell him to hurry?! Could it be...

No, please no.

"Neji, take me with you." He begged, suddenly standing up to grab at the boy's arm. Neji held him as he almost fell and told him to calm down, but how could he? "Neji, it could be my brother, he was on his way here and..."

Neji looked at him and helped him stand firm before sighing and letting the boy follow. As Naruto hurried, nerves raided his system. It couldn't be Kyu, it just couldn't. Yet, in the back of his mind, something dark told him there was no mistake. It echoed inside, the words bouncing inside his head and making his stomach hurt with a greater pain then Itachi's punch as his mind went as far as to imagine what the wreck would look like. He grew paranoid, this was all Itachi's doing, right? Or was it? Maybe Kyu was speeding? Or had Itachi gone through to hire someone? No, they couldn't possibly work this fast. Kyu had to have been speeding, and it was all Naruto's fault as he was the one who told him to hurry.

Neji sped out of the isolated restaurant, turning his lights on and speeding out into the empty road ahead. He kept talking into the radio, something about an ambulance being on their way. He turned to Naruto and said something, but Naruto didn't hear any of it, not in the state he was. He held on to his arm rest as Neji made sharp turns, knowing Naruto had to be in a hurry as well.

Finally, a show of red and blue lights polluted the road ahead, about two police cars stationed on the side while an ambulance parked near the horrible condition of an all too familiar car. "No." Naruto said under his breath as he opened the door, the car varely coming to a stop and he stumbled out. He walked forwards, painfully slow as Neji ran towards the other officers, looking at the victim and slowly loking back to Naruot with an almost pitying look. A few paramedics lifted the boy onto the stretcher, carefully loadinh it into the car. "Kyu, no..." He could deny it all, but it was all too familiar; the car, the crimson colored hair and even the dumb slippers he came to recognize as they dangled on the person's feet. "No, no, no, no, no." This was all his fault. "Let me through..." He pleaded. "He's my brother, let me through!" He yelled, resisting as two men blecked his way.

"You can't go with him, he's in critical condition, please remain calm."

"Calm?! You want me to remain calm after my only family is being rushed in there?! Let me through!" Naruto struggled, though ut was useless as even Neji began holding him back. Eventually, he was calmed down and ordered to sit in Neji's car as the ambulance rushed away.

'What would I do? If Kyu's hospitalized, then that means Itachi will...no, I can't be selfish, Kyu has to come first. I don't care what happens to me anymore, do I?' Naruto's thoughts took over as he sat on the hood of the police car, his eyes wet as they stared blankly onto the concrete as the personnel took care of things ahead.

"Shout, and it's your throat I'm slicing." His eyes widened as a hand was thrown over his mouth and he was suddenly dragged backwards. He screamed into his hand, going as far as to biting it in his panic to get him off, but nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nobody ahead noticed anything as they were to busy doing their job.

'No, please no!'

"I told you not to make me angry, Naruto." He said between ragged breaths as he dragged Naruto away from the police lights and onto the side of the road. He had a blade pressed onto the blond's throat, going as far as to press harder every time Naruto tried to resist against his hold.

Once out the other side of the small forest, he looked both ways, laying low as he watched a car drive by before dragging Naruto over to where his car was. The car was parked along the side of the road, practically left in plain sight. Anybody passing would think it was just left there or something.

Naruto shouted into his hand, pleading to be let go. However, Itachi only ignored such pleas; why the blond decided to plea all of a sudden, he didn't know. Once taking a free hand, Itachi opened the backseat door, shoving Naruto inside and aggressively pulling on his hair to make the blond look at him. "Keep quiet!" He shouted, the car rocking as Naruto used his feet to kick him away. However, Itachi wasn't having that, so with a clenched fist and at full strength, he punched the boy hard in the stomach, Naruto letting out a sharp breath of air as he clutched his stomach to ease the pain. "That's more like it." Itachi smiled, now able to release his hands off the Uzumaki to grab masking tape and with very little effort, had the blond tied and silenced.

"I didn't want to have to do things this way, Naruto, but you left me no choice." He said, taking his hand to hover above Naruto's face to slowly and gently wipe away at a tear. His other hand simply rubbed above the blond's stomach where he had punched earlier. "Be and angel and I won't hurt you any more than this." He said, smiling as Naruto grunted in pain when Itachi grabbed at the pained skin on his stomach, hurting him for the sheer pleasure of it. "Understand?"

Naruto nodded, breathing heavily through his nose as Itachi neared for a kiss on his forehead.

"Also, you were wrong." He said, getting off of Naruto. "You were very wrong about me not being able to hurt your brother."


"I'll admit, I hate how I'm going to have to repair the front of my car, but oh well." He shrugged. "Hm? You're crying? Shh, baby. Kyu wouldn't be in this mess had you not done that back there." He whispered. His fingers ghosted above Naruto's taped lips, suddenly slipping themselves through his hair and tugging lightly. "Anyways, you're going to like it where I'm taking you." Feeling smug, Itachi brought his free hand to against Naruto softly. Hearing a few sounds of despair, he rubbed a bit faster. "Originally, I was supposed to take you after dinner, no fights, no car crashes, but I guess you prefer taking the hard way there, right?" Naruto cried, tears running down the side of his face. Having enough fun, he finally let go of Naruto, sliding off the back seat, closing the door, and walking over to the driver's side. "You don't mind spending a week with me, right? I hear the mountains this time of year are the best." He gave a soft chuckle, turning in his seat as he pulled on his seatbelt. "You're going to love it, Naru. An entire week to ourselves, but don't worry. If you behave, I might take it easy on you."

Only muffled pleas came from the blond. He tried hard to release himself from the tight tape around his wrists, anything. But sadly...

"Get comfortable, it's going to be a long ride." Came the smug advise from the Uchiha.

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