He came back

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Things got more forceful. It was a battle between the Uzumaki and the Uchiha. As soon as Naruto had denied Itachi to do anything more than to unclothe him, Itachi had ignored the boy and had his lips connect to the other's. Naruto refused to kiss him and looked away, denying Itachi entrance to his mouth, though a simple hard pinch on the side of his stomach had Naruto give up as he focused more on the pain.

He was no longer on the floor next to the tub, but was now placed on the counter, more like shoved on it. He had stayed still at first, fearing another punch to the stomach when he had struggled to get up and move. As soon as Itachi had begun kissing him though, he had lost it. Naruto scratched the Uchiha's face and that only resulted in Itachi grabbing his hands and holding them up above his head.

"Don't fight me, Naruto. You don't want me to leave any marks on you now, do you?" He asked. "Unless you want me to mark you, how surprising." He laughed, mumbling into the boy's neck and ignoring the boy's struggle.

"Hey, Naruto? You in there?" Someone had knocked on the door, the voice belonging to none other than Pein. "Konan's looking for you and I gotta use the restroom, bro."

"Say you'll be out in a sec." Itachi whispered, letting go of Naruto and bringing a hand over to the top of the boy's bulge to make fun of him for actually getting a reaction. "Say it." He whispered again, rubbing on it while Naruto brought his knees up to cover it. Itachi smirked, backing off and leaning on the edge of the counter.

"I'll...be out in a... bit." He stuttered.

"Alright man, you okay?" Pein asked, Itachi looking over towards Naruto and expecting an answer to his liking.

"J-just fine." Itachi smiled, pushing himself off the counter to reward Naruto with a small nibble on his bottom lip. Naruto pushed him away.

Pein's foot steps faded as he descended down the stairs.

"Good job, Naruto." Itachi teased. "Maybe next time you'll be able to say it while I'm pleasing you. Not bad, though."

"Get out." Naruto hid his head between his knees.

"Remember, not a word to anyone." Itachi reminded, tugging on the blond's strands before sneakily walking out and downstairs. As the Uchiha left and closed the door behind him, frustration and agonizing pain emitted from the blond as he let out tears from what had just happened. He pulled his knees closer, bringing his hands up to pull at his hair while he tried to keep his sobs low.

"Naruto?" Pein knocked on the door once again. "You there, buddy?" Naruto wiped his tears, although feeling unsatisfied and dirty, and smoothed himself out before opening the door and walking out. It could've been his imagination, but Naruto swore he saw Pein lookin at him weird, like he knew something was up. Unfortunately, Pein said nothing and just hurried into the bathroom.

"Hey, check it out!" Kyu pounced in his brother as soon as he laid eyes on him. Taking a look around, Naruto noticed the party was almost at full swing. Most of his friends were here: Kiba, Tenten, Lee. Hinata and Sakura were standing over by Konan as she introduced Hidan to the Hyuuga and Ino was barely walking in with Sai behind her holding a bag of gifts. "It's nice, right?" Kyu pointed towards the decorations. "Okay, so Deidara and Sasori might've fucked up the decorations over there but it still looks nice. Konan, Itachi and I got the house all blinged up from the outside and-" The older Uzumaki stopped talking as his eyes watched Konan answer the door, the last person he wanted to see walking in. "What are you doing here?"

Itachi, who was relaxing by the couch with Hidan, bolted up almost immediately and walked over to where the person stood. "Why are you here?" He asked in a completely confused tone. He looked at him, then back towards Naruto, somehow worried this would ruin his plans.

Everybody paused, they all knew Sasuke and Naruto had broken up, so to see him here...

Naruto didn't know why he was here, or what he wanted, but after almost a month or so without seeing him, his heart jumped excitedly after seeing him standing not even five feet away.

"I came to...talk to Naruto." Sasuke announced a bit awkwardly as Kyu glared him down.

"For what reason?" Kyu asked through gritted teeth. "More like, why now? It's christmas eve, are you going to ruin that for him? He doesn't nee-"

Naruto walked slowly past his brother, his feet moving all on their own accord while his emotions bounced wildly inside. "You.." He managed to say before the two took each other in arms. They hugged tightly, Sasuke's hands holding on to him as if Naruto would fade the moment he let go.

"Naruto, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll leave but I need to talk to you." Sasuke said after the two parted a little, the hug was a bit loose but they stayed that way while everyone else watched. He looked pained, Naruto could tell he had been taking it hard over these past few months. "Kyu, please. I promise I won't do anything." He said over to the brown redhead.

"Naruto, no, I-" Kisame stopped Kyu in his tracks, nodding and taking him over towards the living room.

"We can talk upstairs." Naruto whispered, adverting his gaze from the Uchiha who stood beside Sasuke. Nodding, Sasuke followed the blond upstairs while Konan and Sakura cheered everyone up.

Closing the door behind him, Naruto walked over to the bed and the two sat. "Naruto, I'm really sorry about what I said to you back then." Sasuke began, his hand slowly hovering above Naruto's hands and hesitating as he remembered the boy flinching. Noticing this, Naruto took Sasuke's hands in his, to which he smiled. "There's so much I want to say to you, but I just don't know how."

"Don't say anything, then." The blond suggested.

"Naruto," He sighed. "about what you told me, about being...raped." He looked at the boy in the eyes. "It was true, wasn't it?"

The memory of what had just happened a few moment ago flashed before the blond's eyes, bringing a shiver to his spine and a watery blanket to his eyes. Slowly, he nodded.

Noticing the urge to cry, Sasuke held Naruto close, making circular motions on the boy's back. "Naruto." He began, exhaling a warm breath on the other's shoulder. "I'm really sorry. I wan an idiot and back then, I seriously thought-"

"Please don't talk about that." Naruto sniffed. "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you, too." Sasuke nodded. "I stayed up so many nights after what Kyu told me and every time I did, I felt even more stupid." He pulled away from the hug, looking into watery blue eyes. "Let me protect you." He said, his voice a serious tone.

"W-what are you saying?" Naruto asked, his hopes soaring as he thought about what the Uchiah would say next.

"I'm saying I love you. I was restless all this time thinking about whoever it was hunting you. Let me be with you, Naruto. Let me be by your side, he won't hurt you if I'm with you, I promise." He begged. "You tell me who he is, anything! I promised I'll break the bastard who did this to you, just please let me be with you again."

Though this was what the blond was expecting, it felt even better as he heard the words flow easily out of Sasuke's mouth. "Sasuke, I... I can't tell you who it is." He said, casting his eyes down towards the floor. "He's..."

"The let me be with you, Naruto." Sasuke shook his head. "I'm begging you." He said, getting off the bed to get on his knees, holding Naruto's hands in his while his head rested in the boy's lap. "I'll protect you, but please."

A smile brought itself upon Naruto's lips, a tear accompanying said smile. Having Sasuke back... this was clearly making him happy.

"Be with me again."

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